  • Subjects = African American clergy
  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
Written on accompanying slide: From Atlanta. Negroes Leave Bus After Mixed Ride. Negro clergymen stand around the front door of a public bus in Atlanta just after riding it with disregard for segregated seating regulations. When they began getting off, the driver asked them to leave by rear door. They declined and alighted through the front door. during their ride of about 36 blocks, some occupied seats up front with white passengers seated behind them. That's contrary to transit company regulations.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
A worker at Sprayberry's Cafeteria stands amidst students and policemen at the cafeteria protest.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
Written on recto: Negro leaders jailed for bus ride. Sitting behind bars in city jail today are five Negro clergymen arrested on charges that they violated Georgia's segregation laws. At the right is their leader, the Rev. William Holmes Borders. They were in jail pending the posting of $1,00 bond each. The arrests resulted from a group of some 20 Negro ministers occupying public bus seats up front which are customarily reserved for White customers.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
Written on recto: Atlanta, January 10, 1957. Ministers Hauled to Jail in Paddy Wagon. Five Negro ministers leave the paddy wagon at police station today after being hauled to jail on charges that they violated Georgia segregation laws in occupying public bus seats up front which are normally reserved for white passengers. Second from left is their leader, the Rev. William Holmes Borders. They were jailed temporarily until they posted $1,000 bond each.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection