  • Subjects = Race relations
  • Subjects = African Americans--Civil rights
This document is a civil action complaint filed in the United States District Court, Northern District of the State of Georgia, Atlanta Division. The plaintiffs, members of the Committee on Appeal for Human Rights, including Benjamin M. Brown, Miss Herschelle S. Sullivan, Charles F. Lyles, and Lonnie C. King Jr.., are taking legal action against the City of Atlanta, Georgia, and other individuals involved in the city's management. The plaintiffs allege that under color of law, the defendants have engaged in racial segregation and discrimination in public facilities owned, operated, maintained, or subsidized by the City of Atlanta. The lawsuit seeks declaratory and injunctive relief to abolish racial segregation and discrimination in various public facilities, including parks, swimming pools, tennis courts, and other buildings. 8 pages.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
This document offers an in-depth analysis of the changing dynamics of Negro leadership during the civil rights movement's desegregation crisis in Little Rock, Arkansas. It explores the emergence and interactions of various types of leaders within the racially charged environment, specifically focusing on the shift from traditional "accommodation-type" leadership to more assertive "protest leadership." The study examines the roles played by ministers, businessmen, educators, and other professionals within the Negro community, investigating their responses to the crisis, connections with white leaders, and resulting shifts in race relations. The analysis emphasizes the rise of protest leaders who challenged segregation and mobilized the community. Despite personal rivalries, unity among Negro leaders remained vital during the crisis. The document also highlights the impact of the crisis on interracial communication, noting strained contacts between white and Negro leaders. Overall, the study offers insights into the evolving leadership dynamics and the transformative effects on race relations, contributing to our understanding of the civil rights movement's influence on leadership paradigms. 11 pages.
A booklet titled "A Second Look. The Negro Citizen In Atlanta" by the Atlanta Committee for Cooperative Action. The booklet targets the socio-economic issues targeting the Black community in Atlanta. The committee aims to promote awareness and discussion rather than mere fault-finding. It expresses the hope that fellow Atlantans will read and consider the contents of the upcoming pages, even if perspectives on certain issues may differ. Ultimately, the foreword calls for a collective effort to address Atlanta's problems and maximize the use of all its human resources to become a truly great American metropolis. 11 pages.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection