  • Document Type = text
  • Subjects = African Americans--Georgia--Atlanta
The first issue of the publication "Nitty Gritty", published in Atlanta, contains various articles discussing the paper's purpose, the conditions and challenges African American citizens face in Atlanta, and the need for political change. The paper aims to address the real issues affecting people in the "Nitty Gritty" areas of the city. It criticizes the city's politicians and government for not adequately addressing the needs of its citizens, particularly in terms of housing, education, and representation. The publication also highlights efforts by activists to address issues of slum housing, evictions, and poverty in Atlanta's marginalized communities. The paper calls for organized action and change to address the systemic inequalities faced by Black people in the city. 4 pages.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
This article explores the emergence of a new form of leadership among American Negroes in the context of the civil rights movement. The author examines the changing leadership dynamics among African Americans following the wave of sit-ins, freedom rides, and demonstrations by Negro college students in 1960 and 1961. The study focuses on Atlanta, Georgia, and delves into the political attitudes, goals, and tactics of a group of Negro civic leaders in the city. 12 pages.