  • Collection = Isaac R. Clark Memorial Collection
  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
Student Sermons: The Power to Overcome Failure, and Insights for Performing True Spiritual Piety, March 19, 1977
Honoring Ceremony for Dr. Josephus R. Coan, Part 2, February 10, 1972
Honoring Ceremony for Dr. Josephus R. Coan, Part 1, February 10, 1972
An unidentified group stands outside of a building.
Isaac R. Clark Memorial Collection
Basic Christian Communication by Dr. Isaac R. Clark, June 11, 1969
The Church and Violence, Part 12: Discussions Continue, March 14, 1969
The Church and Violence, Part 11: Seminar Reports and Discussions, March 14, 1969
The Church and Violence, Part 8: Biblical Examples of Violence, March 13, 1969
The Church and Violence, Part 10: The Role of the Preacher, March 13, 1969
The Church and Violence, Part 6: The Church's Response to Violence, March 13, 1969
The Church and Violence, Part 7: Overt and Covert Violence, March 13, 1969
The Church and Violence, Part 4: The Church's Response to 1960's Violence and Social Unrest, March 12, 1969
The Church and Violence, Part 3: Methods for Black Social Progress, March 11, 1969
Crisis in Politics by Julian Bond, March 6, 1969
Isaac R. Clark Memorial Collection
Student Sermon: United We Stand Divided We Fall, March 6, 1969
Elements of a Sermon by Isaac R. Clark, and On Belief by Howard Thurman, January 21, 1969
Religion in the News, April 14, 1968
Isaac R. Clark Memorial Collection
Religion in the News, March 31, 1968
Isaac R. Clark Memorial Collection
Criteria for Judging Sermons Pathos and Logos by Dr. Isaac R. Clark, February 22, 1968
ITC Commencement Address and Student Sermon by Green, 1968