  • Department = Department of Educational Leadership
A case study of America's choice school reform in an elementary school in a large urban school district: how does this school reform influence student achievement in writing?
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The measure of student success: a study of elementary principal, teacher, student, and parent perceptions of factors affecting student academic success in elementary school
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
School expenditures and selected socioeconomic variables as predictors of student achievement and dropout rates in Georgia, 1991
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
An analysis of the financing of secondary education in Benue State, Nigeria: its impact on student achievement, 1991
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Factors influencing teacher's intention to leave teaching in the southwest province of the Republic of Cameroon, 1994
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
An examination of the relationship between school climate and elementary student out-of-school suspension in a suburban metropolitan school-district, 2000
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
A comparative study of principals' and teachers' perceptions of the effects of the pay-for-performance incentive program in Georgia schools, 1999
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Georgia's schools of excellence as reform initiatives in education, 2000
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Powerful perceptions: a title I school's journey from problems to promise, 2003
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
A comparative study of elementary school principals' and teachers' attitudes toward the inclusion of students with disabilities into the regular classroom in 30 selected schools, 1997
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The relationship between attitudes toward school and attitudes toward scheduling among high school students, teachers, counselors, and administrators, 1993
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
School management styles: the effects on family and school partnerships, 1993
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
A tracking comparison of an inner city middle school sixth grade students' performance in reading and mathematics following an intervention method with one group of students, 1994
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The effects of intervention on teacher concerns and use of an adopted innovation: a concerns-based adoption model study, 1989
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Effects of parental involvement on student achievement: traditional versus theme schools
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The effects of a staff development model on the teaching performance of probationary teachers
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Teacher perceptions of the efficacy of traditional staff development and the impact on student academic learning, 2005
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Student perceptions of student discipline in suburban and urban high schools: the effects of socioeconomic status on behavior and academic performance, 2007
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Teachers' perceptions of giftedness and minority students' placement in DeKalb county's gifted programs, 2001
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
An evaluation of the effectiveness of sat preparation and service oriented programs in an urban high school, 2004
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations