  • Subjects = African Americans--Georgia--Atlanta
  • Collection = General Photographs Collection
A group walks down the street in Atlanta.
General Photographs Collection
Historic homes in the Westview neighborhood in Atlanta.  Text from slide presentation: Westview
General Photographs Collection
A home located in West End in Atlanta. Text from slide presentation: West End
General Photographs Collection
View of a historic home in Atlanta. Text from slide presentation: This presentation is about Atlanta's historic African-American neighborhoods; why they are so important to our city's history; and why it is important to preserve them. Atlanta is a city of neighborhoods, and historic neighborhoods, which are fifty years old or older, lend a special feeling to our city.
General Photographs Collection
Two homes located in Old Forth Ward. Text from slide presentation: Old Fourth Ward
General Photographs Collection
Historic homes in the Inamn Park. Text from slide presentation: Inman Park
General Photographs Collection
Homes located in one of Atlanta's historically African-American neighborhoods. Text from slide presentation: Atlanta's African-American neighborhoods have always played a significant role in our city's history, and it is important that ...
General Photographs Collection
Homes located in one of Atlanta's historically African-American neighborhoods.  Text from slide presentation: . . . we protect and preserve those neighborhoods in order to protect and preserve the heritage they represent.
General Photographs Collection
Homes located in Pittsburgh. Text from slide presentation: Pittsburgh -- are only a few of our historic neighborhoods.
General Photographs Collection
Homes located in one of Atlanta's historically African-American neighborhoods. Text from slide presentation: . . . and we want you to consider preserving your neighborhood so that its story is not lost.
General Photographs Collection
Homes located in one of Atlanta's historically African-American neighborhoods. Text from slide presentation: In many ways, buildings represent a time capsule of our past.
General Photographs Collection
Homes located in one of Atlanta's historically African-American neighborhoods. Text from slide presentation: Historic buildings and their relationships to one another can tell us about our history -- the history of Atlanta �. . .
General Photographs Collection
A view of a street in Reynoldstown. Text from slide presentation: The neighborhood of Reynoldstown in the late 19th century was made up of small homes and commercial buildings clustered around the railroad.
General Photographs Collection
View of a victorian cottage. Text from slide presentation: Housing types that are most often associated with the working class during this period are small Victorian cottages ...
General Photographs Collection
A church located in Reynoldstown. Text from slide presentation: By the early twentieth century, Reynoldstown had grown into a community with churches, �
General Photographs Collection
A view of a shotgun house. Text from slide presentation: Shotgun houses are narrow, front-gabled dwellings one room wide and two to three rooms deep. They get their name because it was said you can stand on the front porch of a shotgun house and shoot clear through the back door without hitting anything.
General Photographs Collection
A view of two shotgun homes. Text from slide presentation: Porches provided places to sit and enjoy whatever cooling breezes may have been stirring and were also places to visit neighbors. Both of these roles are still important to day.
General Photographs Collection
A view of a shotgun house. Text from slide presentation: scholars note that the form is similar to house types that can be traced from Africa, through the West Indies to New Orleans, and from there throughout the south.
General Photographs Collection
An angled view of a shotgun house. Text from slide presentation: One of the most prominent features of a shotgun house, and almost any historic southern house, is the porch.
General Photographs Collection
A view of homes located in Reynoldstown. Text from slide presentation: . . . and toward Fair Street (now Memorial Drive) toward the south.
General Photographs Collection