  • Subjects = African Americans--Religion
  • Collection = Atlanta Student Movement Collection
In "Broken by Love", Robert E. Jones Felder explores the maturing determination of the African-American community for freedom, tracing the evolution from passive acceptance to active engagement through the contrasting lenses of Christianity and the emerging Black Muslim movement, emphasizing the importance of love and nonviolence in dismantling deeply rooted traditions of segregation and discrimination. 2 pages.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
Several students from the Atlanta University Center participated in a "Kneel-in" movement to challenge racial segregation in churches. Reflecting on their experiences, they emphasized the disparity between the teachings of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man and the reality of segregation within churches. Despite being denied admission to certain churches, they expressed their determination to promote integration through worship and spiritual education. 1 page.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection