  • Subjects = Voter registration
  • Geographic Location = New York (State)--New York
"More Blacks are turning to the politics of frustration", "Federal workers await voter registration rule", and "Rev. Jesse Jackson and his "tribal politics". 6 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A nonprofit voter registration organization newsletter focusing on decreasing voting gaps between Black and White voters, as well as an increase in women's participation in voting, largely due to organized voter registration efforts by human service agencies and other groups, although some pessimistic views were expressed regarding the overall turnout increase and its implications for declining voter participation trends, and the upcoming 1986 Senate elections were expected to feature hotly contested races with sharp ideological differences. 5 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
John Lewis, Executive Director of the Atlanta-based Voter Education Project, displays Proclamations from Governors of ten southern states designating July as �Voter registration Month�. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A coalition of labor and civil rights groups called the National Coalition on Black Voter Participation has launched Operation Big Vote, a bipartisan registration drive aimed at registering millions of Black voters who have never voted before, with Democrats Jimmy Carter and Walter F. Mondale likely to be the major beneficiaries of any increase in Black voter participation. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The 1976 southern Black vote, with record numbers of registered Black voters turning out to vote, was the most significant exercise of minority political power in the century, as evidenced by President-elect Jimmy Carter's margins of victory in the South and the victory of several congressional candidates, according to the VEP which conducted a year-long registration drive and mounted advertising campaigns and local drives to encourage voter participation. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Article on how the overwhelming turnout of Black voters helped Jimmy Carter win in the 1976 presidential election, posing a critical problem for the emerging GOP as it threatened the steady gains Republicans had made in the South, and some Republicans believed that the vote in their states was close enough to mean the GOP had not ceded the Solid South back to the Democrats. 1 page.
In February 1961, a memo from Richard Haley, Field Secretary of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), discussed the repressive treatments of African Americans in Fayette and Haywood Counties, Tennessee, and referred to Robert Boyd's investigation of these counties. The memo highlighted the denial of credit, evictions, voter suppression, and restrictions on gasoline purchases faced by registered Black farmers and outlined efforts by CORE and other organizations to assist, including supplies and funds for land-sharing and a loan fund. 4 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism