
Atlanta University Center (AUC) Votes Coalition Records

The Atlanta University Center Votes Coalition, referred to as AUC Votes, is a coalition of non-partisan civic engagement-oriented organizations in the Atlanta University Center. Students from each of the campuses participated in the coalition. During the 2020 and 2021 elections, the organization created a digital strategy to engage all eligible voters in the AUC. Organizations included were Spelman's Chapter of the Andrew Goodman Foundation, Spelman College Social Justice Program, Spelman and Morehouse Chapters of National Action Network, Spelman and Morehouse Student Government Associations, Spelman's Chapter of the NAACP, Fair Fight U, Collegiate 100, and CAU Votes. The records contain materials related to the activities of the coalition. It consists of event materials, such as flyers, Instagram posts, photographs and videos of events. The collection contains meeting agendas and minutes, correspondence, and logos. The collection covers the 2020 presidential election and the 2021 Georgia Senate Runoff elections.
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