The purpose of the Cascade Oral History Project, supported by the City of Atlanta, is to gather and preserve information about this vibrant Atlanta neighborhood and its changes over time. The oral history interviews are used to provide elements of history that are often not apparent in other documents. When used with other research materials, the oral histories help to provide an enriched view of history. These oral histories complement the records and artifacts in the Archives for research on Atlanta, and are invaluable to the larger research community. The Cascade Oral History Project was conducted by the Atlanta Branch of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), a 501(c)3 organization. Founded in 1915 by Dr. Carter G. Woodson, the mission of ASALH is to promote, research, preserve, interpret and disseminate information about Black like, history and culture to the global community. The Atlanta Branch, established in 2015 at the Centennial Conference, continues this legacy with the motto of "Promoting the Study of Black History: Bridging the Gap Between University and Youth." The Atlanta Branch is dedicated to collecting, preserving and making available the history of Atlanta. Email asalhatlantabranch@gmail.com. The Archives for the Atlanta Branch of ASALH, housed at the Archives Research Center, Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library, 111 James P. Brawley Drive, Atlanta, GA 30314, will continue to be used in years to come by students, scholars, activists, and other researchers.