The Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) was chartered in 1958, bringing together four denominational seminaries: Morehouse School of Religion (now Baptist School of Theology), Gammon Theological Seminary, Turner Theological Seminary, and Phillips School of Theology. Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary, Charles H. Mason Theological Seminary, and Absalom Jones Theological Institute (now closed) later joined the consortium. Audio recordings span the years 1943 to 1969. Among the speakers are prominent ITC faculty and staff, including Harry V. Richardson and Charles Copher; clergy from other religious institutions, including Rabbi Jacob Rothschild and Bishop Edgar Amos Love; as well as students and other visiting dignitaries. Topics covered include preaching, church administration, Christian history, and theology. The photographs document students, alumni, faculty, presidents, campus life, campus events, and buildings of the founding institutions and the ITC, which was chartered in 1958.