  • Decade = 1960-1969
  • Subjects = Groups and organizations
This report provides an overview of various organizations that supported the student protest movement in the United States. The first sit-in in February 1960 sparked the movement at Greensboro, N.C., involving Black college students. The report highlights the widespread endorsement and backing of local and national organizations. The summary concludes by underscoring that the extent of support from these diverse organizations, in terms of active participation, financial aid, public statements, and resolutions, reflects the significant impact of the sit-in protests on the collective American conscience during that period. 4 pages.
A group of COAHR students in a living room.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
Atlanta Inquirer main article "Jail, No Bail Group in Jail, Cheerful, Confident", on Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., student leader Lonnie King, and fellow sit-in group members, confident in their cause, faced their arrest for violating trespass laws during a sit-in protest in Atlanta. After spending a night in Fulton County Jail, their spirit remained steadfast despite minor discomforts. The article reflects on the determination of the protesters and the prison conditions they endured, highlighting their commitment to challenging societal restrictions on human freedom and dignity. Other excerpts touch on topics such as civil rights, segregation, discrimination, education, and social issues prevalent during the 1960s. The newspaper highlights the struggles and challenges faced by African Americans in the segregated South and the efforts of civil rights activists and students to bring about change through nonviolent protest and activism. The excerpts also reflect on the role of education and the importance of breaking out of societal constraints and discriminatory practices. 4 pages.