  • Subjects = Events and programs
  • Decade = 1960-1969
The document outlines the schedule and details for the "Youth Leadership Conference on Nonviolent Resistance" held at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, from April 15 to 17, 1960. The conference aimed to evaluate the progress and implications of the student sit-in movement for civil rights. The schedule includes various sessions and discussions focusing on the potential of mass demonstrations, the strategic use of sit-ins, the role of picketing and economic pressure, the legal approach to activism, and the philosophy and techniques of nonviolence. The conference incorporates committees such as the Steering Committee, Reporting Committee, Committee on Findings and Recommendations, Press Committee, and Devotions Committee. Participants are encouraged to engage in discussions, contribute to committee work, and provide insights for furthering the movement. The document details arrivals and emphasizes timely attendance, particularly for the press conference and opening meeting. 2 pages.
Johnny E. Parham Jr.'s card for the National Student Conference on Sit-In Movement in Washington D.C. from April 22nd to the 23rd. 1 page.