  • Subjects = Protest movements
Several students from the Atlanta University Center participated in a "Kneel-in" movement to challenge racial segregation in churches. Reflecting on their experiences, they emphasized the disparity between the teachings of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man and the reality of segregation within churches. Despite being denied admission to certain churches, they expressed their determination to promote integration through worship and spiritual education. 1 page.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
This press release highlights that despite intense pressures, the Atlanta student community remained steadfast in their peaceful march marking the anniversary of a significant Supreme Court decision, underscoring the conviction that nonviolent protest is aligned with African tradition and emphasizing the unity of both African American and white citizens against segregation, as shown by their heartening responses. The call for justice and equality is reinforced by the city's leaders and authorities who responded thoughtfully to the events. Included is a table tent advertising and assembly on student sit-in strikes with speakers John Mack and John Parham. 3 pages.
Students march down the street past Morris Brown College to the Georgia State Capitol.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
A state trooper holds a megaphone and keeps student marchers and others away from the state capitol building.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
Students rest after the march to the state capitol. Left to right: Harold Middlebrooks, [unidentified], [unidentified], [unidentified], Ruby Doris Smith, Frank Holloway.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
A placard for the All Tech Assembly on student sit-in strikes with speakers John mack and John Parham. 1 Page.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
The "Immorality of Racial Segregation" document are reports, workshops, and essays from the Leadership Conference and Workshops sponsored by Greater Atlanta Council On Human Relations and Georgia Council On Human Relations from April 28th, 1960. The document's essays and reports are composed into packed. Each piece and report pertain to the racial issues and the impact of segregation in Georgia or the United States: social, psychological, religious, education, ethics, and morality. 20 pages.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
This document is a publication from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) titled "Support Southern Students", It discusses student actions and demonstrations against racial segregation and discrimination in the Southern United States. The publication calls for nonviolent resistance, urging students to participate in protests, demonstrations, and other forms of activism. It emphasizes the importance of solidarity and cooperation between students, religious groups, and civic organizations to achieve racial equality. The document also provides information about various student-led actions, including sit-ins and picketing of businesses that practiced segregation. It encourages support for students expelled or arrested for their involvement in the civil rights movement and highlights efforts to raise funds for their assistance. The publication emphasizes the significance of these actions in bringing attention to the civil rights struggle and promoting change in discriminatory practices. 8 pages.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
Published by the Atlanta University Student Committee in April 1960, this newsletter represents the inaugural edition of an informative organ. The bulletin is initiated by the Central Student Committee of the Atlanta University Center, aiming to inform students about actions taken and future plans to secure human dignity. Notably, the bulletin discusses including the "Appeal For Human Rights" in Congressional historical records, with Senator Jacob Javis confirming its serious consideration in the Senate. 1 page.
This document outlines the involvement of the United States National Student Association (USNSA) in the sit-in movement during the Civil Rights era. Established in 1947, USNSA represents over 375 colleges and universities across the United States through democratically elected student governing bodies, making it the largest National Union of Students globally. 68 pages.
This document pertains to the National Student Conference on the Sit-In Movement, providing a comprehensive event overview. The document encompasses crucial elements such as the conference agenda for April 22nd, conference rules, the layout of the main floor at All Souls Unitarian Church, general information, rule amendments, resolutions derived from the conference discussions, and transcripts of impactful speeches. Noteworthy speeches featured in the document include "Law and Order Must Be Maintained", delivered by Mahendra Widjesinghe, an address by James Alrut, President of the Methodist Student Movement, a compelling speech by Mr. Allard Lowenstein, President of USNSA, on April 22nd, 1960, a poignant contribution by Bernard Lee, Former Student Body President of Alabama State, an inspiring talk by Al Rozier from North Carolina A&T, a thought-provoking perspective from Sam Bowles of Yale University, an address by Curtis Gans, Vice President of National Affairs at USNSA, and a significant speech by Rev. Wyatt Walker. 24 pages.
A police officer takes the names of protesters as a threat against protests at Sprayberry Cafeteria. These threats were noted to be rescinded at a later time.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
Students were arrested by police for protesting a segregated cafeteria.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
Students enter an Atlanta police car after being arrested for protesting a segregated cafeteria.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
Atlanta University Center students at a hearing.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
This is the front two pages of the Atlanta Journal Newspaper dated March 15th, 1960 with the headline "Segregation Sentiment Leads At School Student Midway Mark".  Most of the articles show that the issue of segregation was a hot topic in Georgia in 1960. The sit-in movement was a major challenge to the segregationist status quo, and the state school study commission's findings showed that there was strong support for segregation among the Georgians who testified. The articles also show the different ways that people were responding to the issue of segregation. The state school study commission was trying to find a way to keep the public schools segregated, while the sit-in movement was demanding desegregation. The articles show that the issue of segregation was complex and divisive and that there was no easy solution. 2 pages.
This appeal is a collective statement from students representing six affiliated institutions forming the Atlanta University Center, including Clark College, Morehouse College, Morris Brown College, Spelman College, Atlanta University, and the Interdenominational Theological Center. These students came together to demand the rights that inherently belong to them as human beings and citizens of the United States. The appeal expresses unwavering support for the broader movement to obtain long-awaited rights and privileges for African Americans. It highlights the dissatisfaction with existing racial conditions and the slow pace of change. The appeal emphasizes the universal desire for dignity and equal treatment, underscoring the meaning behind the nationwide sit-in protests. 1 page.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
This "New South" booklet was published by the South Regional Council in Atlanta, Georgia, and authored by John Constable, the Director of Information Southern Regional Council. This issue focuses on the protest movement against segregated lunch counters in North Carolina during the Civil Rights era. The issue highlights the initial surprise and uncertainty experienced by white leaders in response to the "sit-down" protests in the state. The Director presents findings from his visit to the cities involved in the protests, reflecting leaders' confusion and lack of direction. 9 pages.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
A collection of newspaper clipping about Civil Rights Protest: Negroes 'Sit In'  Here At 10 Eating Places, 1960; Rev. King Is Arrested Here in Montgomery Periury; Pastor Brinson with Dr. MLK and Rev A.D King, 1960;  Hope and Archer Memorialized, February 1960; Albert Brinson Intern At Ebenezer, March 15, 1960; Negroes Demonstrate The Atlanta Journal, 1960. 6 pages.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
These are three political cartoons by Maurice Pennington about segregation and the civil rights protest. The first picture, "Needs A Size 45.1 percent", depicts an Atlanta Black student with a sign attached to his leg saying, " 'Suit' of Inadequate School Facilities". The second picture, "Fire Fighter?", shows a fireman with a label saying, "Some of Us",  trying to out a house fire with gasoline. The gas pump is saying, "Gasoline. Pump of 'Still Buying' ", while simultaneously two students (one woman and one man) are putting out the fire with water and attached to them is a sign saying, "Students". Lastly, the third picture, "It's All Right to Seat Them. They're Not Americans",  illustrates a hostess uncertain about seating two patrons of color and her manager explaining it's all right to seat them. 3 pages.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection