  • Subjects = African American entertainers
Portrait of Jimmie Daniels. Written on verso: Jimmie Daniels; Photograph by Carl Van Vechten; 146 Central Park West; Cannot be reproduced without permission; January 29, 1963.
Countee Cullen-Harold Jackman Memorial Collection
Roy Thompson Beresford, June 17, 1958
Countee Cullen-Harold Jackman Memorial Collection
Sammy Davis Jr., June 10, 1956
Countee Cullen-Harold Jackman Memorial Collection
Harry Belafonte, February 18, 1954
Countee Cullen-Harold Jackman Memorial Collection
Ossie Davis, April 12, 1951
Countee Cullen-Harold Jackman Memorial Collection
Josephine Baker and Others, 1949-1951
Countee Cullen-Harold Jackman Memorial Collection