  • Decade = 1950-1959
  • Document Type = still image
C. Eric Lincoln stands in an office. Written on verso: University of Chicago.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
C. Eric Lincoln sits and smokes a pipe at the University of Chicago.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
C. Eric Lincoln stands in front of a building at the University of Chicago.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
C. Eric Lincoln stands with his first wife and children Cecil Eric and Joyce Elaine Lincoln.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
C. Eric Lincoln stands and reads a book in his office.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
An unidentified man sits behind a desk in C. Eric Lincoln's office.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
An unidentified couple stands and talks in front of a building.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
Two men stand in front of a building.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
Portrait of Bishop J. O. Patterson.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
An unidentified man sits behind a desk in C. Eric Lincoln's office.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
An unidentified woman waters the yard with a hose in front of a house.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
Portrait of C. Eric Lincoln.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
Darwin McBeth Walton sits and reads "Sepia" magazine. Written on verso: Relaxing with her favorite magazine. Singer enjoys all good publications. Likes Sepia best.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
Darwin McBeth Walton stands on a rooftop with her husband Claude. Written on verso: the honeymooners pause in the shadow of Maxmillian Castle, Cuernavaca Morales, Mexico.
Unidentified woman and child. Written on verso: My mother.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
Darwin McBeth Walton stands by a car with her husband Claude. Written on verso: Darwin waves "goodbye" as she and Claude set out on honeymoon that takes them to Mexico from California.
Portrait of Lawrence V. M. Otoo.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
Unidentified children. Written on verso: My daughter Jasmine.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
Portrait of Lawrence V. M. Otoo.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection
Darwin McBeth Walton sings. Written on verso: Practice! Practice! Practice! Before baby came Darwin did daily stint of 2 - 4 hours. Practices now whenever opportunity presents itself.
C. Eric Lincoln Collection