Letter asking members to take action in education and the community to prevent school drop-outs. 2 pages.
List of national organizations participating in the committee meeting following the meeting with the White House. 6 pages.
Report highlighting conference activities and actions taken, with margin notes. 6 pages.
A review of improving Georgia's election system and improvements on voter registration. 3 pages.
Letter concerning the Voter Education Project and request for help from the League of Women Voters of D. C. 1 page.
Booklet describing protecting voting rights, relief against discrimination in public places, desegregation of public places and schools, equal opportunity, and other civil rights. 14 pages.
Leaflet describing the program and function of neighborhood meetings. 2 pages.
Southern Regional Council Papers
Booklet listing the Committee's member list, history, charges, activities, program focus, action list, and consultants. 4 pages.
Memorandum discussing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 1 page.
Southern Regional Council Papers
News from the National Conference of Christians and Jews about an institute titled, "Our Children and the Challenge of Change". 1 page.
Southern Regional Council Papers
Statement concerning rewriting Georgia's election laws, pointing out faults of the 1958 Registration Act. 4 pages.
Newsletters containing an open letter to Georgia legislators, and school plans in other states. 4 pages.
Correspondence and flyer about recent decision by state on school desegregation. Letter to special organization representatives presents a meeting agenda on schools from the League of Women Voters of Georgia. 4 pages.
Correspondences concerning recent southern state legislature decisions and school integration. 3 pages.
Article on a summary of school segregation from the League of Women Voters of Georgia, and how one can request the publication. 1 page.
Southern Regional Council Papers
Correspondence and legislative newsletter from the League of Women Voters of Georgia with calls to action and news on recent voting. 4 pages.
Letter thanking for materials on desegregation in Montgomery County. 1 page.
Telegram regarding sending copies of "St. Louis Integrates It's Schools" publication. 1 page.
Correspondences about the League of Women Voters and the strengthening of the state organizations in opposition of school segregation, along with the assistance of the Southern Regional Council. 2 pages.
Thank you letter for a pamphlet and news of upcoming legislature. 1 page.