  • Subjects = Political campaigns
  • Geographic Location = Washington (D.C.)
Title Date Created Description Subject Collection
"Black Leaders Agonize as Jesse Jackson Ponders Bid", September 11, 1983 1983-09-11 Article on the Black community grappling with the potential benefits and risks of Jesse L. Jackson's candidacy for President of the United States. 2 pages. African Americans--Politics and government, Political campaigns, Political participation Voter Education Project Organizational Records
"Carter Attacks Ford's Ability to Lead", August 31, 1976 1976-08-31 Newspaper article regarding Jimmy Carter's criticism of President Ford for being "timid, fearful and afraid to lead". He accused Ford of neglecting to mention his leadership record as President and of failing to address important issues such as trust, embarrassment, and shame. Carter also criticized the government's handling of the Medicaid program, which he said lost $4 billion a year through fraud, deficient patient care, maladministration, and the issuance of benefits to ineligible persons. 1 page. Political participation, Voter registration, Political campaigns, Presidents Voter Education Project Organizational Records
"Jimmy Carter: Fitting the Mood of the Voters", January 4, 1976 1976-01-04 Newspaper article regarding the public mood in the bicentennial presidential election year as desiring the federal government to be run in a more humane fashion, and that voters preferred someone who had not been in the bureaucracy to be in charge. The article discusses three outsider candidates who stirred more interest than the candidates from Congress: Ronald Reagan, George Wallace, and Jimmy Carter. The article argues that Carter was the most appealing of these three candidates because he was not anti-government like Reagan and Wallace, and he was not just another warmed-over New Dealer like the liberal Democrats. 1 page. Political participation, Voter registration, Political campaigns, Presidents Voter Education Project Organizational Records
"Shirley Chisholm to Challenge White Males in Four Primaries" Article, October 7, 1971 1971-10-07 "Shirley Chisholm to Challenge White Males in Four Primaries" article published in the Washington Post detailing Re. Shirley Chisholm's candidacy for United States President. 1 page. African Americans--Civil rights, African American women's suffrage, Women's rights, African Americans--Politics and government, African American women, Political campaigns Voter Education Project Organizational Records
"Shirley Serious About the White House" Article, September 14, 1971 1971-09-14 "Shirley Serious About the White House" article on The Washington Daily News detailing Ms. Chisholm's bid for the White House. 1 page. African Americans--Civil rights, African American women's suffrage, Women's rights, African Americans--Politics and government, African American women, Political campaigns Voter Education Project Organizational Records
"Battle-Howell Duel Changes State Politics", August 14, 1969 1969-08-14 Newspaper article the ways in which the Virginia Democratic gubernatorial runoff produced a political metamorphosis with potentially far-reaching implications. The old Byrd Organization declined, and new forces came to the fore. Henry E. Howell and William C. Battle represented a new thrust in state politics and a gradual closing of the gap between the Virginia Democratic Party and the National Democratic Party. 1 page. Political participation, Political campaigns, Voter registration Voter Education Project Organizational Records
"Negroes Eye Two Major Mayoralities", January 2, 1969 1969-01-02 Newspaper article discussing the potential political campaigns of two Black candidates in Atlanta and Detroit after the final term of respected mayor Ivan Allen Jr. Due to Atlanta's large Black population, there was a growing movement for Black political representation. The article suggests that if a Black candidate were to run for mayor, they would have a good chance of winning. 2 pages. Political participation, African Americans--Civil rights, Voter registration, African Americans--Politics and government, Political campaigns Voter Education Project Organizational Records
"This President...Is Doing More" Pamphlet, September 14, 1967 1967-09-14 Pamphlet from the Democratic National Committee emphasizing The Democratic Party's long history of supporting civil rights and economic advancement for African Americans, centering around the work completed in Lyndon B. Johnson's presidential administration. The party enacted legislation and programs that helped to open up opportunities for African Americans in all areas of life, from education and employment to housing and healthcare. The Democratic Party remained committed to ensuring that all Americans have the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their race or ethnicity. 2 pages. Political campaigns, Political participation, African Americans--Civil rights, Voter registration, African Americans--Politics and government Voter Education Project Organizational Records
"Radical Right Maps 1967 Battle Against Great Society Programs", December 20, 1966 1966-12-20 Press release from the Democratic National Committee regarding the radical right's retaliation against President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs in 1967. They worked to cut off funds and cripple Great Society programs, discredit and write off the Johnson record, and divide and confuse supporters of the Johnson administration. Despite this, the Democratic Party leadership remained confident that these destructive and divisive forces could be turned back. They pointed to the fact that the Republican House victories in 1966 were narrow victories and that the percentage of loss for the Democrats was less than that suffered by President Eisenhower in 1958 and President Truman in 1946. 3 pages. Political science, Political campaigns, Voter registration Voter Education Project Organizational Records