  • Collection = Voter Education Project Organizational Records
During 1984, the National Coalition sponsored OPERATION BIG VOTE coalitions in 25 states and the District of Columbia, resulting in the highest ever reported Black voter registration at 66.3 percent, an increase in turnout to 56 percent, and the net gain of 2.5 million voters, with plans to continue nationwide operations in the future. 6 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A nonprofit voter registration organization newsletter focusing on decreasing voting gaps between Black and White voters, as well as an increase in women's participation in voting, largely due to organized voter registration efforts by human service agencies and other groups, although some pessimistic views were expressed regarding the overall turnout increase and its implications for declining voter participation trends, and the upcoming 1986 Senate elections were expected to feature hotly contested races with sharp ideological differences. 5 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
An introduction of Coretta Scott King by Harold R. Sims for New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean's Black History Week Luncheon.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
This report describes the efforts to discredit and reduce the participation of Black leaders and voters in five counties in Alabama through various means, including criminal charges and investigations into voting fraud, as well as the indictment of several Black civil rights activists on charges of conspiracy to commit voting fraud. 5 pages.
Employee manual of the VEP describing organizational structure, employment, salaries, etc. 24 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Flyer listing voting locations and voting issues in the special election. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Flyer for the 20th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A brief history of the VEP, with a plan, goals and budget for the program. 11 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A Voter Education Project study based on an analysis of predominantly Black and White precincts in Georgia found that the estimated number of Black voters in the 1984 election was over 50% higher than in 1980, with a turnout rate of 64%, and that White turnout was higher than Black turnout, with 74% of registered White voters casting their votes for Reagan and 5% of Black voters doing the same. 1 page.
The Voter Education Project found that in the 1984 presidential election, Black voter turnout exceeded 60% in Georgia and Alabama, with Alabama being the only southern state where Black voter turnout was not less than White voter turnout, and while President Reagan won both states, he only won 5% of the Black vote in Georgia and 7% of the Black vote in Alabama. 1 page.
The author alerts their research findings to show more racial polarization in the November 6 election than the exit polls, and disagrees with those who claim exit polls are more accurate, citing examples of discrepancies in past elections and flaws in sampling and self-reporting, and challenges the argument that behavior in mixed precincts is different from all-Black or all-white precincts, and suggests that exit polls gain credibility through exposure but may not necessarily be accurate. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The results of a Voter Education Project study show that an estimated 3.3 million Black voters went to the polls in the South during the 1984 election, representing an increase of 586,000 over the previous election, with the increase due to both population growth and registration drives, and the vast majority of Black voters supported Walter Mondale. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A Voter Education Project survey reported record numbers of Black voters registered in Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee, with a 16 percent increase in Georgia since 1980, but despite this increase, there are still about 500,000 unregistered Black voters in Georgia, according to Charles McCant, the assistant director of field operations for the Atlanta-based VEP. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The article discusses the gender gap in the 1984 Presidential election, which refers to the difference in voting patterns between men and women. Despite President Reagan's sweeping victory, the gender gap remained a significant feature of the political landscape, with Mr. Mondale's biggest women's majorities coming from minority groups. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The article discusses the results of the debates between President Reagan and Walter F. Mondale, highlighting the fact that, despite Reagan's shortcomings in terms of working hours, knowledge of important issues, coherence, and embarrassing public utterances, he comes across as a good-natured man who is liked even better for those faults and is likely to win the election. 1 page.
The National Right to Work Committee is reportedly spending $100,000 this year to place approximately 100 private investigators, including many from Miller and Associates, in union political operations, voter registration organizations, and other groups, in an attempt to identify alleged violations of federal election law and misuse of funds by unions, the Mondale-Ferraro campaign, and tax-exempt organizations. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The article discusses the success of women candidates in the Sept. 29 elections in New Orleans, where women won several political positions, breaking the tradition of bias against women in politics in the city and statewide. 14 pages.
The League of Women Voters of Georgia, a nonpartisan organization providing election information through its voter service program presents this guide to candidates and Constitutional Amendments for the November 6, 1984 General Election. 4 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project regarding a study by the Voter Education Project (VEP), which found that Southern congressional representatives were not responsive to Black concerns. The study found that the average Southern representative received a low rating on a Black Concerns Scale, and that there was considerable variation among the states in their degree of responsiveness. The study also found that Republican representatives were much more nonresponsive to Black concerns than Democratic representatives. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project regarding analysis of four factors that could determine whether the white incumbent in Georgia's Fifth Congressional District would be unseated by one of his four Black challengers. The factors were the Black turnout rate, the white turnout rate, the black crossover rate, and the white crossover rate. The VEP analysis showed that a close election was possible, but a clear win for the incumbent or one of the Black challengers was also possible. 3 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records