The Voter Education Project (VEP) began in 1962 as part of the Southern Regional Council. Initially VEP granted funds to civil rights organizations to support voter education, voter registration drives, and voting-related research. In 1964, Vernon Jordan, the second executive director of the VEP, expanded the programs goals to include citizenship training, voter education, and leadership training in the southern United States, while continuing to provide funds to independent voter and civil rights groups, including the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the League of Women Voters. The VEP’s work with the League of Women Voters is highlighted in the materials below.   In 1971, VEP under the leadership of John Lewis, became an independent organization and functioned as a research center and became known as an authoritative source for statistics on southern elections and voter registration in general. Lewis also forged the VEP into an activist organization, launching Voter Mobilization Tours with Georgia state legislator and civil rights advocate Julian Bond. 

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Sep 4, 2020

Voter Education Project Organizational Records

The Voter Education Project (VEP) began in 1962 as part of the Southern Regional Council. Initially VEP granted funds to civil rights organizations to support voter education, voter registration drives, and voting-related research. In 1964, Vernon Jordan, the second executive director of the VEP, expanded the programs goals to include citizenship training, voter education, and leadership training in the southern United States, while continuing to provide funds to independent voter and civil rights groups, including the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the League of Women Voters. The VEP’s work with the League of Women Voters is highlighted in the materials below. In 1971, VEP under the leadership of John Lewis, became an independent organization and functioned as a research center and became known as an authoritative source for statistics on southern elections and voter registration in general. Lewis also forged the VEP into an activist organization, launching Voter Mobilization Tours with Georgia state legislator and civil rights advocate Julian Bond.

At the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library we are always striving to improve our digital collections. We welcome additional information about people, places, or events depicted in any of the works in this collection. To submit information, please contact us at

  • Geographic Location = Georgia--Atlanta
  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Subjects = African American students
VEP Press Release announcing "The Plight of Black Colleges and Universities: The Political Impact" conference held at the Robert W. Woodruff Library in Atlanta, Georgia on October 28, 1983. The conference will address the threat to historically Black colleges and universities and explore solutions such as merger strategies, converting them into vocational institutions, and increasing voter registration among Black students. 2 pages.
Article on the call for eliminating the high rate of school suspensions, as they actively tie into the incarceration rate of the state. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Vol.II, No.2, includes anecdotes from student interns on their day to day life experiences. 11 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The Atlanta Board of Education has finally agreed to discuss the Better Schools Atlanta report, which highlights shocking disparities in the city's school system, and this could signal the beginning of a real dialogue and citizen participation in the business of the schools. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Newsletter reporting on the status of student interns working on projects throughout eleven states. 3 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Report on enrollment changes in Atlanta public schools from 1965-1966. The Atlanta Board of Education adopted a pupil assignment plan in 1966. The plan required all pupils to complete an application for assignment form for the school year 1966-67. The enrollment trend in each school possibly affected the choices of pupils or their parents. The enrollment changes were also potentially useful in evaluating the effectiveness of the pupil assignment plan in accomplishing the desegregation of the Atlanta public schools. 4 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Article entitled "NAACP youth force summer program include Georgia" regarding the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) summer Youth Program for voter registration in Atlanta, Georgia. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records