  • Geographic Location = Mississippi
  • Subjects = African Americans--Civil rights
Flyer urging voter participation to stand up for citizens rights like safe roadways and bridges. 1 page.
Newspaper article discussing the completion of a vote count in Hinds County, Mississippi in primary races, despite complications with the vote-tabulating computer technology. The plodding vote-tabulating computer revealed that 18 men claimed first primary victories in Hinds County political races. Fourteen races were to be decided in a second primary vote on August 29th, and the status of two other races hinged on the outcome of absentee ballots. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A copy of a newspaper clipping describing voter registration drives in Mississippi and New Orleans, Louisiana. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Article entitled "South's Negro Voters Nearly Doubled" discussing rise in Black voter registration in five Southern states -- Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and South Carolina. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records