  • Decade = 1980-1989
  • Subjects = Civil rights movements
Newsletter discussing the religious community's analysis of two housing bills, the "National Affordable Housing Act" (S 565) Senate bill which requested a moderate increase in federal housing expenditures to create new programs and the "Housing and Community Development Act" (HR 1180) House bill which proposed a substantial increase in spending on programs that are much like current housing programs. This analysis included the discussion of affordable housing options and statements regarding the necessity of accessible housing options in the United States. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Newsletter discussing the religious community's response to a mining labor strike in Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky, after Pittson Coal Company miners worked 14 months without a contract and the company withdrew from the Bituminous Coal Operators Association, a multi-employer bargaining group which negotiated contracts covering mining employees who were members of the UMWA. The newsletter included an interfaith statement of support calling for reconciliation and resolution between the parties. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project announcing a creative poster project among middle and high school students in the Atlanta school system. The theme of the project was "Your Vote, Your Voice, Our Future." The two winners of the competition were to receive an award and a cash prize of $50.00, and all participants received a certificate recognizing their talents and participation. The event was intended to impress upon students the importance of voting and citizenship responsibility, and to allow them an opportunity to express their thoughts on voting and government through poster art. The poster project was part of VEP's Twentieth Anniversary Celebration. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project announcing an upcoming Contemporary Voting Rights Conference in Jackson, Mississippi with featured speakers and discussion leaders from a variety of organizations, including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The conference sought to provide information and resources on the Voting Rights Act Reauthorization, redistricting, and reapportionment. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records