  • Subjects = African Americans--Civil rights
"Reagan administration attacked as voting rights hearings begin", and "Stand on Voting Act and Civil Rights defended by Smith", articles on the pushback from Civil rights activists on possible extensions and changes in the voting rights act. 1 page.
Group of articles and pictures on how a large group of people came out and represented for worker's rights and calling for the ERA. 7 pages.
"Equality For All" brochure detailing civil rights issues by the Multicultural Task Force of America. 4 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The General Election of 1982, Fulton County, study examines the impact of racial and regional voting behaviors on the race for governor, lieutenant governor and secretary of state. 15 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Letter to the editor from Melinda D. Owens protesting the unfair treatment of workers by Pepsi Cola in middle Georgia. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Article on seventeen union strikers won't be allowed to have former positions until new positions become open in the Pepsi company. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Two men stand underneath a sign discouraging the purchase of Pepsi products to support worker's rights. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Article on the anger of Pepsi-Cola's worker's wives, and how they are upset by the poor treatment of the company to their employees. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Article on the large percentage of Black voters in the South, especially Georgia, and how voter education and registration drives will target the state to make the most out of the minority vote. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project discussing a 2.4 percent decrease in the number of Black majority counties in the South, featuring results from a study conducted by K. Farouk Brimah and Richard A. Hudl of the Voter Education Project. The study also showed that the 11 southern states had 284 majority Black counties in 1900 while at the time of the study there were only 89. The study also found that 40 of the 89 majority counties were experiencing declines in Black population. If the present rate of loss continued, additional counties would lose their Black majority by the end of the eighties. The study concluded that the decrease in the number of Black majority counties could have severe repercussions for Black political strength. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release on a study of the 1981 Atlanta Municipal elections by the Voter Education Project shows that Blacks alone provided enough votes to elect Andrew Young on October 27. Blacks won all four municipal elections in majority Black constituencies, and whites cast an even higher percentage of their votes for white candidates. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project regarding a study conducted by K. Farouk Brimah and Richard A. Hudl. of the Voter Education Project, which found that blacks alone provided enough votes to elect Andrew Young as mayor of Atlanta in the 1981 runoff election. Blacks cast 88% of their votes for Young, while whites cast an even higher percentage of their votes for white candidates than they did in the October 6 election. The study also found that Atlantans could be mobilized, as turnout was higher in the runoff than in the October 6 election. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release on how the VEP found that in the October 6, 1981 City of Atlanta municipal elections, four white candidates won in majority Black districts and all three elections in majority white districts, while Black mayoral candidates received 57% of the total vote and the highest percentage (58%) of registered voters cast ballots in the mayoral election. 2 pages.
Press release from the Voter Education Project discussing the victory of four white candidates in majority Black districts in the 1981 City of Atlanta municipal elections, featuring results from a study conducted by K. Farouk Brimah and Richard A. Hudl of the Voter Education Project. The study found that four white candidates won elections in majority Black districts, while all three elections in majority white districts were won by white candidates. The study also found that Andrew Young, the leading mayoral candidate, received 62% of the Black vote, but only 12% of the white vote. The four white mayoral candidates received 87% of the white vote and 11% of the Black vote. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release on the VEP announcing the list of speakers and discussion leaders for VEP's Contemporary Voting Rights Conference, which will focus on the Voting Rights Act Reauthorization, redistricting, and reapportionment, featuring Julian Bond, Leslie Burl McLemore, Robert Walker, Gerald Jones, Victor McTeer, Frank Parker, Laughlin McDonald, and Henry Kirksey, among others. 2 pages.
Press release from the Voter Education Project announcing an upcoming Contemporary Voting Rights Conference in Jackson, Mississippi with featured speakers and discussion leaders from a variety of organizations, including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The conference sought to provide information and resources on the Voting Rights Act Reauthorization, redistricting, and reapportionment. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release on a coalition of civil rights organizations was joined by Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson in announcing support for the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, which would extend the Act through 1992 and provide a new way for jurisdictions covered by the Act to "bail-out" if they can prove they have not had discriminatory voting practices for the ten years before the bail-out suit. 2 pages.
Press release from the Voter Education Project discussing a coalition of human rights and civil rights organizations', along with Mayor Maynard Jackson, calls for the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act. Their proposed measure would extend the Act through 1992 and provide a new way for jurisdictions covered by the Act to "bail-out." The coalition urged citizens to contact their Congresspersons and encourage them to support the measure. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Executive Committee meeting agenda for the Voter Education Project that includes a progress report from Executive Director Geraldine Thompson, a statement of revenues and operating expenses, a list of trustees, and bylaws governing the activities of the Board of Directors. 20 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release on a rally planned by a coalition consisting of the VEP, NAACP, SCLC, and GABEO in support of the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, which will feature prominent civil rights activists and political figures, including Congressman Walter Fauntroy, and highlights the importance of minority political participation in the political process. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records