  • Subjects = Political campaigns
  • Subjects = Human rights
Newspaper article regarding Jimmy Carter's, a Democratic candidate for President, calls for a voluntary moratorium on the purchase or sale of nuclear fuel enrichment and reprocessing plants. He believed that this would help to curb the spread of nuclear weapons. Carter took a number of other positions on the issues, including employment, inflation, monetary policy, tax reform, industry regulation, and energy. He generally tried to take positions that appealed to both sides of a controversy. Some people criticized Carter for not taking more bold positions on the issues. However, his supporters argued that he was simply trying to be pragmatic and to appeal to the widest possible range of voters. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Newspaper article featuring an interview with Jimmy Carter, where he outlined his foreign policy objectives for Africa. He stressed the need for a positive and creative U.S. role on the continent, and called for stronger sanctions against South Africa. He also said that the U.S. should not allow an African state's Middle East policy to become an excuse to terminate a productive relationship. The interview was part of a series that Africa Report was conducting with the presidential candidates on their views on Africa. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records