  • Subjects = Suffrage
  • Subjects = Voting
The League of Women Voters of Georgia, a nonpartisan organization providing election information through its voter service program presents this guide to candidates and Constitutional Amendments for the November 6, 1984 General Election. 4 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
VEP booklet of the concise history of the VEP from 1962 to 1979 with an excerpt from an unpublished study, "Historical Overview of Race and Class In Southern Politics."
The article argues that the relationship between Black voters and the Democratic Party needs to be renegotiated, with power and responsibility shared fully, and suggests that running a Black presidential candidate in 1984 could force Democrats to appreciate the potential positive contribution of the Black vote to party politics and the nation, as well as to build a new progressive coalition that includes Hispanics, women, young people, poor Whites, and Native Americans. 1 page.
A child stands on a sidewalk and holds a sign urging viewers to vote.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records