  • Subjects = Voter registration
  • Subjects = Groups and organizations
During 1984, the National Coalition sponsored OPERATION BIG VOTE coalitions in 25 states and the District of Columbia, resulting in the highest ever reported Black voter registration at 66.3 percent, an increase in turnout to 56 percent, and the net gain of 2.5 million voters, with plans to continue nationwide operations in the future. 6 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A Voter Education Project survey reported record numbers of Black voters registered in Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee, with a 16 percent increase in Georgia since 1980, but despite this increase, there are still about 500,000 unregistered Black voters in Georgia, according to Charles McCant, the assistant director of field operations for the Atlanta-based VEP. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The National Right to Work Committee is reportedly spending $100,000 this year to place approximately 100 private investigators, including many from Miller and Associates, in union political operations, voter registration organizations, and other groups, in an attempt to identify alleged violations of federal election law and misuse of funds by unions, the Mondale-Ferraro campaign, and tax-exempt organizations. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The League of Women Voters of Georgia, a nonpartisan organization providing election information through its voter service program presents this guide to candidates and Constitutional Amendments for the November 6, 1984 General Election. 4 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Jesse Jackson urged Black students at Albany State College to join his "Rainbow Coalition" and register to vote in the 1984 presidential election, and also spoke to a convention of Black Baptists about the need for economic common ground and the restoration of moral tone in America, while expanding the Democratic Party and criticizing Congress for its refusal to pass a new Equal Rights Amendment and the recent deployment of U.S. cruise missiles in Europe and occupation of Grenada. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Article on how the VEP has helped register four million Black voters and increase the number of Black elected officials in the South from 72 in 1965 to early 3,000 in recent times, with most of the VEP's budget coming from foundations, grants are made to local groups ranging from $150 to $2,000, and the organization still encounters voter intimidation in some areas. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
"Voter drive by NAACP set here", "Political coalition gearing up for Black voter registration drive", "Take the British system of political races, please", June 15, 1983 news clippings, and "Despite differences, Jews and Blacks still allies".  4 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records