The Voter Education Project (VEP) began in 1962 as part of the Southern Regional Council. Initially VEP granted funds to civil rights organizations to support voter education, voter registration drives, and voting-related research. In 1964, Vernon Jordan, the second executive director of the VEP, expanded the programs goals to include citizenship training, voter education, and leadership training in the southern United States, while continuing to provide funds to independent voter and civil rights groups, including the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the League of Women Voters. The VEP’s work with the League of Women Voters is highlighted in the materials below.   In 1971, VEP under the leadership of John Lewis, became an independent organization and functioned as a research center and became known as an authoritative source for statistics on southern elections and voter registration in general. Lewis also forged the VEP into an activist organization, launching Voter Mobilization Tours with Georgia state legislator and civil rights advocate Julian Bond. 

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Sep 4, 2020

Voter Education Project Organizational Records

The Voter Education Project (VEP) began in 1962 as part of the Southern Regional Council. Initially VEP granted funds to civil rights organizations to support voter education, voter registration drives, and voting-related research. In 1964, Vernon Jordan, the second executive director of the VEP, expanded the programs goals to include citizenship training, voter education, and leadership training in the southern United States, while continuing to provide funds to independent voter and civil rights groups, including the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the League of Women Voters. The VEP’s work with the League of Women Voters is highlighted in the materials below. In 1971, VEP under the leadership of John Lewis, became an independent organization and functioned as a research center and became known as an authoritative source for statistics on southern elections and voter registration in general. Lewis also forged the VEP into an activist organization, launching Voter Mobilization Tours with Georgia state legislator and civil rights advocate Julian Bond.

At the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library we are always striving to improve our digital collections. We welcome additional information about people, places, or events depicted in any of the works in this collection. To submit information, please contact us at

  • Document Type = text
  • Subjects = Political participation
  • Subjects = African American civic leaders
Report from the Census Bureau examining voter turnout in the 1988 presidential election. The report found that voter turnout among Black Americans decreased from 56% in 1984 to 52% in 1988, with white voter turnout also decreasing from 61% to 59%, while Hispanic voter turnout fell from 33% to 29%. The report also found that Black voter turnout was higher in the North and West than it was in the South. Among Whites, voter turnout was higher in the North and West than in the South. Overall, the report found that registration rates among Black Americans, White Americans, and Hispanic Americans all decreased from 1984 to 1988. 3 pages.
Article on Macon Mayor George Israel, and how his coalition building methods has made him popular in both Democratic and Republican Parties. 2 pages.
Article on the  about the gain of Black public officials in Alabama, including legislators, judges, sheriffs, superintendents and circuit clerks. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
"State increase of Black officials is ranked No.1," about the gain of Black public officials in Alabama, along with clippings "Black mayors plan meeting in Birmingham", March 18, 1982, and "Small towns revived by big city 'refugees'", February 8, 1976. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
"City commission term may be over before court decides on McLean suit", and "This time out, Black voters got their message across", articles on Jack McLean's delayed trial hearing and how increased Black voting turnout helped elect more Black political leaders and flip parties in some elections. 3 pages.
"Blacks gain in General Assembly", and "Big voter turnout laid to 3 factors", news clippings with routing slip. 5 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The article discusses the possibility of President Jimmy Carter appointing two Black Cabinet members, with speculation on which positions they would fill and who the potential candidates are, while also touching on the expectations of the Black community for Carter's actions and leadership. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Article on how the Jimmy Carter administration is expected to appoint two Black Cabinet officers, with names including Andrew Young, Barbara Jordan, and Vernon Jordan, as Black political leaders seek to ensure that Blacks receive acceptable appointments and prioritize the passage of full employment legislation and postcard voter registration bill, with hopes for continued dialogues and moral leadership from Carter. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
This article describes the influential role that Rep. Andrew Young and the "Black Atlanta Connection" played in securing Jimmy Carter's election as President of the United States, with prominent Georgians and other figures supporting Carter's campaign through their political power, personal integrity, and outreach efforts to African American communities. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A report describing the work of interns in the Georgia Legislature. 4 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A copy of a newspaper clipping with accompanying correspondence regarding an increase in the number of Black elected officials in the South. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A newspaper clipping describing the candidates for Governor of Georgia and the increase in Black political power in the state. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Proposal for methods of assuring minority representation on appointive and commissions composed by Jake Wicker in regard to his research on fair representation in appointed positions.  In 1969, the North Carolina General Assembly created the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Charter Commission to develop a charter for consolidated government in Charlotte-Mecklenburg County. The Commission was tasked with including provisions in the charter to assure fair representation on all appointive boards and commissions. The Commission considered a number of approaches, including requiring that some members of certain boards and commissions be women or members of minority groups, limiting the number of members of the same race or sex on a board, and giving individual members of the governing board appointing authority. The Commission also considered the use of ex officio membership on boards and commissions. All of these methods were detailed in the following report included in the VEP's "Election Notebook." 1 page. 16 pages.
A report published by the Metropolitan Applied Research Center detailing the increase in Black elected officials. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A newspaper clipping referencing Vernon Jordan and Ben Brown's possible run for Congress. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A newspaper clipping discussing potential candidates for the Fifth District congressional seat. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A newspaper clipping announcing Florida A&M University's hosting of the first annual Black Elected Officials Conference with honored guests including Julian Bond and Howard Lee. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A newspaper clipping regarding candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives. 2 pages.
A newspaper clipping regarding Carl Sanders' campaign for Governor of Georgia. 1 page.
A memo and accompanying article describing a meeting of Black officials and reference to Kenneth B. Clark's non-profit research corporation, the Metropolitan Applied Research Center. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records