The Voter Education Project (VEP) began in 1962 as part of the Southern Regional Council. Initially VEP granted funds to civil rights organizations to support voter education, voter registration drives, and voting-related research. In 1964, Vernon Jordan, the second executive director of the VEP, expanded the programs goals to include citizenship training, voter education, and leadership training in the southern United States, while continuing to provide funds to independent voter and civil rights groups, including the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the League of Women Voters. The VEP’s work with the League of Women Voters is highlighted in the materials below.   In 1971, VEP under the leadership of John Lewis, became an independent organization and functioned as a research center and became known as an authoritative source for statistics on southern elections and voter registration in general. Lewis also forged the VEP into an activist organization, launching Voter Mobilization Tours with Georgia state legislator and civil rights advocate Julian Bond. 

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Sep 4, 2020

Voter Education Project Organizational Records

The Voter Education Project (VEP) began in 1962 as part of the Southern Regional Council. Initially VEP granted funds to civil rights organizations to support voter education, voter registration drives, and voting-related research. In 1964, Vernon Jordan, the second executive director of the VEP, expanded the programs goals to include citizenship training, voter education, and leadership training in the southern United States, while continuing to provide funds to independent voter and civil rights groups, including the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the League of Women Voters. The VEP’s work with the League of Women Voters is highlighted in the materials below. In 1971, VEP under the leadership of John Lewis, became an independent organization and functioned as a research center and became known as an authoritative source for statistics on southern elections and voter registration in general. Lewis also forged the VEP into an activist organization, launching Voter Mobilization Tours with Georgia state legislator and civil rights advocate Julian Bond.

At the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library we are always striving to improve our digital collections. We welcome additional information about people, places, or events depicted in any of the works in this collection. To submit information, please contact us at

  • Collection = Voter Education Project Organizational Records
  • Document Type = text
Materials from the Voter Education Project's 25th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act Conference. The conference featured many events and speakers that honored the legacy of voting rights activism underlying VEP. VEP's work helped to pave the way for the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which was responsible for spurring the most significant expansion of American democratic processes in the last half of the 20th century. However, VEP still faced challenges in the form of persisting social restraints to successful biracial politics and even some remaining legal barriers to the ballot. Nonetheless, the VEP made significant progress in expanding voting rights for African Americans, and its work was essential to ensuring that all Americans have a voice in our democracy. 211 pages.
Flyer depicting children on a porch asking people to vote in the general primary run off elections. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Andrew Young, a prominent civil rights activist and former United Nations ambassador, failed to become Georgia's first Black governor in a run-off election, despite efforts to build a multiracial coalition and attract businesses to the state. The article highlights the challenges faced by Black candidates in the South, including a lack of support from White voters and an inability to mobilize enough Black voters to win statewide races. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Announcement on how eligible disabled voters in San Francisco should take advantage of this new policy to ensure their right to vote in upcoming elections. 1 page.
Wyche Fowler presents a draft of the Minority Farmers Rights legislation, developed with the Federation of Southern Cooperatives, to address the decline of Black farming in America, and to provide technical assistance to enable Black and other limited resource farmers to retain and develop their land. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Newsletter discussing the religious community's analysis of two housing bills, the "National Affordable Housing Act" (S 565) Senate bill which requested a moderate increase in federal housing expenditures to create new programs and the "Housing and Community Development Act" (HR 1180) House bill which proposed a substantial increase in spending on programs that are much like current housing programs. This analysis included the discussion of affordable housing options and statements regarding the necessity of accessible housing options in the United States. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Newsletter discussing the religious community's response to a mining labor strike in Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky, after Pittson Coal Company miners worked 14 months without a contract and the company withdrew from the Bituminous Coal Operators Association, a multi-employer bargaining group which negotiated contracts covering mining employees who were members of the UMWA. The newsletter included an interfaith statement of support calling for reconciliation and resolution between the parties. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Newsletter discussing foreign debt of Latin America reaching staggering levels, with Bolivia being no exception. The country's debt of $4 billion had a significant impact on its people, particularly the poor. Money that could be used for healthcare, education, and other social services was instead used to service the debt. This led to a decline in the quality of life for many Bolivians, especially children. New policies and approaches to the debt crisis were needed to improve the lives of people in Bolivia and other Latin American countries. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Newspaper article discussing the resignation of Lee Atwater, chairman of the Republican National Committee, from the board of trustees of Howard University after students protested his appointment. Atwater had been criticized for his history of using racist political tactics, and the students argued that he did not represent the black agenda represented by the historically-Black college. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Report from the Census Bureau examining voter turnout in the 1988 presidential election. The report found that voter turnout among Black Americans decreased from 56% in 1984 to 52% in 1988, with white voter turnout also decreasing from 61% to 59%, while Hispanic voter turnout fell from 33% to 29%. The report also found that Black voter turnout was higher in the North and West than it was in the South. Among Whites, voter turnout was higher in the North and West than in the South. Overall, the report found that registration rates among Black Americans, White Americans, and Hispanic Americans all decreased from 1984 to 1988. 3 pages.
The article discusses the challenges faced by Black politicians, such as Andrew Young, who are seeking higher office in predominantly White areas, due to the resistance they face from White voters. 1 page.
Newspaper book review of Abigail Themstrom's "Whose Votes Count: Affirmative Action and Minority Voting Rights", which examined the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and its impact on minority representation in government. Themstrom argued that the act had been distorted from its original intent and that the current focus on proportional representation was misguided. She believed that the act should be amended to focus on equality of opportunity, rather than equality of outcomes. 4 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A report by the nonpartisan Southern Regional Council (SRC) in Atlanta suggests that the Democrats could win a majority of the Southern states in the next presidential election with only a modest increase in Southern White support, if the rate of registration and turnout of Black and Hispanic voters equals that of whites in 1992. The study shows that Democratic gains in predominantly White precincts were cancelled out by a sharp decline in votes since 1984 in majority Black precincts, and that Democratic inroads into White urban voters in the South were nullified by the party's failure to increase the actual number of Black votes. 6 pages.
A blank voter registration application. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Handbook used in the training of Fulton County Field Deputy Registrars, which includes information regarding Georgia election code rules and regulations, registration qualifications, and instructions for completing voter registration. 42 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
An invitation to a VEP reception honoring Attorney Donald L. Hollowell.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The article highlights the inhumane working conditions and racist policies at the Samsons and Delilah manufacturing plants located in Georgia, where most of the 650 workers are African American women, and the call to action for support and solidarity with the workers who have recently voted to unionize and are facing violation of state and federal civil, rights, and labor laws by the owner, S. Lichtenburg and Company, Inc. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project regarding a study on the 1987 mayoral election in College Park, Georgia, Black voters had a majority in voter registration but turnout was significantly lower than white turnout. This resulted in a three-to-one victory margin for the incumbent white mayor. The Voter Education Project (VEP) found that Black voter registration had increased by 7.33% between 1985 and 1987, while white voter registration decreased by 21.43%. VEP called on Black voters in College Park to be more active in the city's politics. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release regarding the 1987 College Park mayoral election, in which white voters participated at a rate almost twice that of Black voters. This disparity in voter turnout helped incumbent mayor T. Owen Smith win by a three-to-one margin over Black candidate Jessie Dent. Dr. K. Farouk Brimah, Director of Research at the Voter Education Project, said that while race played a significant role in the voting behavior of College Park voters, emphasis on increasing the Black vote in the future must be placed on an effective get-out-the-vote campaign. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The Southern Women's Political Campaign Workshop brochure describing the workshop schedule an organization's information. 3 pages.
Program for the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the VEP including a schedule of events.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project regarding study by the Voter Education Project and the Atlanta University Policy Center, which found that voter turnout in the South increased significantly in the 1986 congressional and senatorial elections. The study found that 51.9% of registered voters in the South went to the polls, up from 41.8% in 1982. The study attributed the increase in voter turnout to a number of factors, including the depressed state of the agriculture and energy economy in the region, the severe cutbacks in federal programs, and the highly inflammatory nature of the campaigns waged by the candidates. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project regarding a study by the Voter Education Project and the Atlanta University Policy Center, which found that the Black vote was crucial to Wyche Fowler's victory in the 1986 Senate race in Georgia. The study found that Black voters turned out at a higher rate than white voters, and they voted overwhelmingly for Fowler. The study also found that Mattingly's endorsement by Ronald Reagan was a major factor in the decline in Black support for him. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project regarding a study by the Voter Education Project (VEP) and the Atlanta University Policy Center, which found that Black turnout was not significantly higher than white turnout in the August 12, 1988 Democratic primaries in the 5th Congressional District of Georgia. The study found that 32.5% of Black voters and 31.1% of white voters cast ballots in the Democratic primary, and that only 21.1% of Black voters and 19.1% of white voters cast ballots that actually impacted the outcome of the race. The study also found that the outcome of the Republican primary was determined by the white vote, as only 1.6% of voters cast ballots for the three Republican candidates. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project announcing Harold Sims successful election as VEP's President in 1986, with Geraldine Thompson being re-elected as Executive Director. A new thrust for VEP was adopted, placing equal emphasis on voter education and voter registration. The new thrust also placed the bulk of the organization's funds raised for voter registration in the hands of local groups performing voter registration work. This new direction for VEP reflected the organization's commitment to increasing voter participation and ensuring that all Americans have the opportunity to vote. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Flyer listing registration deadline and voting day. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A brief history of the VEP, with a plan and objections for the program in 1986. 11 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Correspondence between Donald Hollowell and Lynn Walker regarding funding.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Correspondence between Donald Hollowell and R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr. regarding the VEP Board's deliberations on the recommendations of the Special Committee of the Board.
"Targeting the Women's Vote" address before the National Women's Political Caucus report by Paul O. Wilson, president of National Election Services Cooperation. 21 pages.
Press release from the Voter Education Project issuing a resolution urging the U.S. Senate to reject the confirmation of William Bradford Reynolds as Associate Attorney General of the United States. VEP believed that Reynolds was not qualified for the position and that his confirmation would further entrench the ongoing reversal in civil rights. VEP cited Reynolds' opposition to the renewal of the Voting Rights Act, his misinterpretation of the law, and his attempts to give tax exemptions to segregated schools as evidence of his unsuitability for the position. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project announcing the first Statewide Black Women's Conference on the campus of Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Saturday, June 22nd, 1985. The keynote speaker for the conference was set to be former Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm. The conference was designed to encourage Black women to participate in the political process and to become more involved in local politics. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project regarding an analysis of the mayoralty and councilmanic elections in College Park, Georgia. The analysis found that there were numerous obstacles to full and fair Black political participation in College Park, including the election date, the location of the polls, and the way registration lists and registration data were maintained. The analysis also found that Blacks were more likely to be purged from the voter rolls than whites. VEP Executive Director Gerri Thompson said that the obstacles in College Park were typical of cities and other jurisdictions throughout the South where Blacks struggled for a fair share of political power. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project discussing how Black candidates for municipal, county, and state offices faced primary and general elections in 1985 throughout the South. There were several important races, including the contest for Lieutenant Governor in Virginia, the mayor's race in Jackson, Mississippi, and municipal elections in Georgia and Alabama under new single-member district election plans. The Voter Education Project (VEP) encouraged Black voters to participate in these elections and to let their power be felt. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project announcing Geraldine G. Thompson's resignation as the Executive Director of the Voter Education Project due to personal reasons. Thompson worked tirelessly to advance the cause of voting rights for African Americans, and her resignation was seen as a loss to the organization. However, VEP was committed to continuing its work, and a search committee was appointed to find Thompson's successor. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project regarding a study, which found that Black voter turnout in Tennessee was significantly lower than white voter turnout in the 1984 presidential election. The study found that only 40% of age-eligible Blacks in Tennessee voted, compared to 50.1% of age-eligible whites. The study also found that Black voters were more likely to vote for Walter Mondale than Ronald Reagan, while white voters were more likely to vote for Reagan. The VEP study suggested that claims that Reagan received as much as 10% or 12% of the Black vote nationwide were questionable. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project regarding a study, which found that Black voter turnout in Texas was significantly lower than white voter turnout in the 1984 presidential election. The study found that only 41% of age-eligible Blacks in Texas voted, compared to 57% of age-eligible whites. The study also found that Black voters were more likely to vote for Walter Mondale than Ronald Reagan, while white voters were more likely to vote for Reagan. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Press release from the Voter Education Project regarding a study, which found that Ronald Reagan received less than 1% of the Black vote in Florida in the 1984 presidential election. The study also found that Black voter turnout in Florida was significantly lower than white voter turnout. The study suggested that exit polls released soon after the election overestimated the Black vote for Reagan. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
The 20th Anniversary Commemoration of the 1965 Selma to Montgomery March was successful in generating community support and bringing attention to ongoing issues in voter registration and civil rights, with a delegation of Black leaders meeting with Alabama Governor George Wallace to discuss abolishing at-large election schemes, expanding job opportunities for Blacks, and the upcoming trial of the Perry County 3, while a survey conducted by the Black Women's Voter Project of VEP found that over 90% of Black women interviewed said they have seen the need to continue voter registration efforts because of the march. 3 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
During 1984, the National Coalition sponsored OPERATION BIG VOTE coalitions in 25 states and the District of Columbia, resulting in the highest ever reported Black voter registration at 66.3 percent, an increase in turnout to 56 percent, and the net gain of 2.5 million voters, with plans to continue nationwide operations in the future. 6 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A nonprofit voter registration organization newsletter focusing on decreasing voting gaps between Black and White voters, as well as an increase in women's participation in voting, largely due to organized voter registration efforts by human service agencies and other groups, although some pessimistic views were expressed regarding the overall turnout increase and its implications for declining voter participation trends, and the upcoming 1986 Senate elections were expected to feature hotly contested races with sharp ideological differences. 5 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
An introduction of Coretta Scott King by Harold R. Sims for New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean's Black History Week Luncheon.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
This report describes the efforts to discredit and reduce the participation of Black leaders and voters in five counties in Alabama through various means, including criminal charges and investigations into voting fraud, as well as the indictment of several Black civil rights activists on charges of conspiracy to commit voting fraud. 5 pages.
Employee manual of the VEP describing organizational structure, employment, salaries, etc. 24 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Flyer listing voting locations and voting issues in the special election. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
Flyer for the 20th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. 1 page.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A brief history of the VEP, with a plan, goals and budget for the program. 11 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records
A Voter Education Project study based on an analysis of predominantly Black and White precincts in Georgia found that the estimated number of Black voters in the 1984 election was over 50% higher than in 1980, with a turnout rate of 64%, and that White turnout was higher than Black turnout, with 74% of registered White voters casting their votes for Reagan and 5% of Black voters doing the same. 1 page.
The Voter Education Project found that in the 1984 presidential election, Black voter turnout exceeded 60% in Georgia and Alabama, with Alabama being the only southern state where Black voter turnout was not less than White voter turnout, and while President Reagan won both states, he only won 5% of the Black vote in Georgia and 7% of the Black vote in Alabama. 1 page.
The author alerts their research findings to show more racial polarization in the November 6 election than the exit polls, and disagrees with those who claim exit polls are more accurate, citing examples of discrepancies in past elections and flaws in sampling and self-reporting, and challenges the argument that behavior in mixed precincts is different from all-Black or all-white precincts, and suggests that exit polls gain credibility through exposure but may not necessarily be accurate. 2 pages.
Voter Education Project Organizational Records