The Mary Ann Smith Wilson - Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism spans the dates 1948-2008 with the bulk of the material dated 1960-1967. The collection documents both Ruby Doris Smith Robinson's and Mary Ann Smith Wilson's participation in the civil rights movement and the organizations with which they were affiliated. Although the collection documents both sisters' activities, the bulk of the collection reflects Ruby Doris Smith Robinson’s activism activities in the civil rights movement. Also included in the collection are photographs, correspondences, news articles, programs, reports, and flyers.

At the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library, we are always striving to improve our digital collections. We welcome additional information about people, places, or events depicted in any of the works in this collection. To submit information, please contact us at
Aug 7, 2023

Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism

The Mary Ann Smith Wilson - Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism spans the dates 1948-2008 with the bulk of the material dated 1960-1967. The collection documents both Ruby Doris Smith Robinson's and Mary Ann Smith Wilson's participation in the civil rights movement and the organizations with which they were affiliated. Although the collection documents both sisters' activities, the bulk of the collection reflects Ruby Doris Smith Robinson’s activism activities in the civil rights movement. Also included in the collection are photographs, correspondences, news articles, programs, reports, and flyers.

At the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library, we are always striving to improve our digital collections. We welcome additional information about people, places, or events depicted in any of the works in this collection. To submit information, please contact us at

  • Subjects = African American student movements
  • Series = Mary Ann Smith Wilson
  • Decade = 1960-1969
American Friends Service Committee Fall Bulletin from the Southeastern Regional Office. Bulletin discusses current race relations and progress in school desegregation. 3 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This is a flyer about Florida A&M student William H. Larkins visiting CORE in Chicago, Illinois. Larkin was a student activist recently released from Jail due to his sit-in demonstrations. While in Chicago, CORE provided a schedule and list of locations where Larkin was to speak at. 2 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
A transcripted speech by James Forman. The keynote address was given on November 23rd, 1967, at the Western Regional Black Youth Conference in Los Angeles, California. At the beginning of the speech, Forman gives acknowledgments to the leaders and activists of SNCC for their courageous acts and dynamic leadership. Forman also presents a poem called "Liberation Will Come From A Black Thing." After his poetry, he elaborates on his keynote speech, "Liberation Will Come From A Black Thing."  Forman discusses the historical examples of liberation movements from Black people, relates them to the mission of SNCC, and how Bblack power is a revolutionary tool. 13 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
A newsletter from the Bay Area SNCC Liberation Nets on November 1967. It starts with reflecting on the change in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and its dedicated young black activists, discussing the toll of their previous struggles and the brutality they faced. It then provides a biography of Ruby Doris Robinson, a prominent SNCC member who dedicated herself to the Black liberation movement but passed away due to cancer. The newsletter highlights the need for support and donations of various resources for SNCC's programs, including educational initiatives, community organizing, and political education. This document describes three incidents of racist police aggression in the Bay Area, one involving Huey P. Newton. 4 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document is an SNCC Newsletter Vol. No 2 was published in Atlanta, Georgia, on April 6th, 1967. In this issue of the SNCC Newsletter, the front page topic is about the postmaster of Atlanta destroying a sack of SNCC mail. Later in the newsletter, SNCC talks about the ongoing protest against the Vietnam War, a racially driven war by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Other topics in the newsletter are reports of an art festival in Ohio, Texas Southern University, Anti-Apartheid Activism, "Ed Brooke-A Black Man Without A Cause," The Milk Industry, Stop & Frisk Policies,  other reports from Chicago and other SNCC chapters, conscientious objection from Morehouse students, news from Mississippi, and the American struggle against Communism. 8 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This letter is from Fay. D Bellamy explains the existence of a staff coordinating committee and central committee within SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee). The notice emphasizes clarity and adherence to procedures to avoid confusion. It expresses the importance of focusing on program-related discussions and moving SNCC forward rather than engaging in irrelevant matters. The sender requests everyone's cooperation and assistance for a successful meeting and encourages questions to be addressed through written correspondence. 2 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document is a memo from Stokely Carmichael requesting all project directors and office directors to submit itemized budgets for the fiscal year 1967-1968, including funds from sources other than Atlanta. Additionally, project directors are instructed to submit names of staff members and individuals who should be allowed to attend the staff meeting, with the first few days restricted to staff members only and the last two days open to all other workers. The memo is signed by Stokely Carmichael. 1 page.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document list of the publications that were available for purchase from SNCC and published by The Student Voice and SNCC. All proceeds were given to SNCC. 1 page.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This newsletter is the first issue of the SNCC Newsletter from the Communication Department. The first issue provides summarizations of various reports and meetings that were facilitated by SNCC and its members. The newsletter discusses meetings that were held in the Bahamas, a town meeting in Chicago, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, New York, and Mississippi. 5 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This update from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) provides information about seven SNCC workers the federal government indicted. The indictments stem from a demonstration on August 17, 1966, where young Black protesters picketed the 12th Army headquarters in Atlanta to protest the Vietnam War and the high percentage of Black men being drafted. The protesters faced harassment and arrests during the demonstration; some were charged with assaulting officers. While serving their three-month sentences, they experienced mistreatment and segregation in prison. After filing lawsuits against the city of Atlanta, the prisoners were released, but one member, Johnny Wilson, was sentenced to three years on a Georgia chain gang. The seven indicted workers now face charges of injuring government property and interfering with the Universal Military Training and Service Act. The update appeals for bail money and funds for legal costs to support these young people. 2 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
A paper written by James Forman, an Organizational Secretary. Forman divides the paper into four sections: "Toward a Definition of power for Us, the Powerless", "The Political Organizer is a Leader", "Three Qualities of a good organizer", and "Seven Steps a political organizer must take if he is to be effective". Forman illustrates the fundamental qualities of what he believes to be a leader and organizer of a political movement. He mentions that a good organizer is a well-rounded individual that demonstrates effectiveness and awareness of situations. Forman uses this paper for an SNCC workshop. 13 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document provides an overview of an Economic Workshop held by SNCC in February 1967, with a focus on addressing the economic conditions of the black community. The workshop emphasizes the importance of economic freedom alongside the political aspects of community organizing. It proposes the establishment of small cooperatives and credit unions as a means to improve the economic situation of black people in rural South and northern ghettos. The suggested plan is intended to serve as a foundation and guide for programs aimed at achieving economic and political freedom. The workshop coordinator is John Buffington. 2 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This booklet titled "Black Body White Mind" argues that education in the United States has been used to perpetuate White supremacy and to keep Black people in a subordinate position. The author discusses the history of Negro education in the United States and argues that Negro schools have been White-oriented and have not met the needs of the Black community. The author also argues that the civil rights movement's focus on integration has not effectively addressed the underlying problems of racism in education. 17 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document provides a detailed account of the events that unfolded during the Texas Southern University (TSU) incident, which occurred on May 16, focusing on the events from May 15-17. The report sheds light on the misconceptions surrounding the incident, often labeled as a "riot," although evidence of looting or organized violence is absent. Instead, it reveals a harsh display of police force directed towards the college campus, leading to numerous arrests and injuries, as well as the tragic death of a student. The report highlights the lack of proper reporting, underrepresenting the victims' perspectives, and attempts to hold the city accountable for its actions. The document includes photographs and statements from witnesses and participants, intending to provide a more accurate understanding of the situation and challenge the official narrative. 4 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document is a manifesto of the Black Panther Party. The manifesto describes the Black Panther Party as the "vanguard of the colonized Black Nation in North America...Our objectives are national liberation, the overthrow of the white racist's (colonizer's) power over us, and the establishment of Black Humanism". The five-page manifesto is separated into two sections: Philosophy and Program. Section one of Philosophy summarizes the Black Panther Party's mission to defend against any antagonism aimed toward the Black community and fight white racism and colonial oppression. Section Two outlines the program of the Black Panther Party. It is described as raising political consciousness, achieving national liberation, and promoting unity and freedom through any necessary means. The section concludes by asserting that the world belongs to Black people. 5 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document accounts for the legal case MacLaurin vs. The State of Mississippi, involving Charles MacLaurin, a field secretary for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). MacLaurin was arrested and charged with "Disturbing the Peace" and "Resisting Arrest" in Greenville, Mississippi, after speaking to a group of Black individuals about the unjust conviction of Black defendants for playing in a segregated public park. MacLaurin's trial resulted in guilty verdicts and subsequent convictions, leading to a sentence of 180 days in prison and a $100 fine. Appeals were made, but they were denied. An appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court was denied, with three justices refusing to review the case. The document argues that the legal proceedings were biased and part of a conspiracy to deny justice and violate the civil and human rights of Black individuals who fight for equality. 2 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document is the minutes from an SNCC meeting held on September 6th, 1964. The meeting minutes are a transcript of those members in attendance. The agenda items for the meeting were Billy Stafford's report on Southern campuses and work-study programs, a discussion of regional coordinators, fundraising projects, Summer projects, filled and needed positions, the Black Belt Project, and the budget for the various programs. 12 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document is of project reports meeting minutes from September 5th, 1964. The records show the transcription of a meeting about King's campaign, voting campaign projects, and several other programs. 8 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document is meeting minutes from the SNCC Executive Committee on September 4th, 1964. The meeting minutes are a transcript of the committee members. On the agenda for the meeting were the Fall programs, the Summer program of 1965, personnel reports,  health insurance, job functions, New York offices of SNCC, and salaries. 11 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This "Settling a Sit-In" brochure/report was written by Wallace Westfeldt, a journalist for the Nashville Tennessean, and is about the sit-in movement in Nashville, Tennessee. Westfeldt reports on the ethos, events, and criticism surrounding the Sit-In movement. The movement had successfully achieved its goal of integrating lunch counters in downtown Nashville stores. The settlement was reached after the black community boycott of downtown stores. 7 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism