  • Subjects = Protest movements
  • Decade = 1960-1969
This is a flyer about Florida A&M student William H. Larkins visiting CORE in Chicago, Illinois. Larkin was a student activist recently released from Jail due to his sit-in demonstrations. While in Chicago, CORE provided a schedule and list of locations where Larkin was to speak at. 2 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document provides a detailed account of the events that unfolded during the Texas Southern University (TSU) incident, which occurred on May 16, focusing on the events from May 15-17. The report sheds light on the misconceptions surrounding the incident, often labeled as a "riot," although evidence of looting or organized violence is absent. Instead, it reveals a harsh display of police force directed towards the college campus, leading to numerous arrests and injuries, as well as the tragic death of a student. The report highlights the lack of proper reporting, underrepresenting the victims' perspectives, and attempts to hold the city accountable for its actions. The document includes photographs and statements from witnesses and participants, intending to provide a more accurate understanding of the situation and challenge the official narrative. 4 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
Ruby D. Smith and unidentified people kneel and pray with protest signs for William Lewis Moore, a CORE member who was shot in Keener Alabama during a protest march.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
People form a line and hold hands with protest signs for William Lewis Moore, a CORE member who was shot in Keener, Alabama, during a protest march.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
People form a line and hold hands with protest signs for William Lewis Moore, a CORE member who was shot in Keener, Alabama, during a protest march.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
People form a line and hold hands with protest signs for William Lewis Moore, a CORE member who was shot in Keener, Alabama, during a protest march.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
People form a line and hold hands with protest signs for William Lewis Moore, a CORE member who was shot in Keener, Alabama, during a protest march.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
To her mother, the letter is from Ruby Doris Smith in Hinds County Jail, Jackson, Mississippi. Smith was in jail for taking part in the Freedom Rides. 2 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
Speaking on behalf of CORE, James Farmer urges immediate action to end segregation in bus, train, and airline terminals, emphasizing the need for sacrifices, deliberate decision-making, and a spirit of reconciliation. CORE plans additional Freedom Rides and requests applications from individuals willing to engage in nonviolent direct action. Accompanied with the letter are two blue-colored applications for CORE and Freedom Rides. 6 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
"Jailed In," written by Thomas Gaither, discusses his experience of being jailed for 30 days with eight other students because of their sit-in protest in Rock-Hill, South Carolina. Gaither talks about the events leading to the protest in Rock Hill, South Carolina, preceded by a protest in Greensboro, North Carolina, in February 1960. Afterward, he describes the experience of being arrested and tried in South Carolina. 8 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
In this letter, James R. Robinson seeks support to sustain and advance the organization's program of action, emphasizing the progress made over the past twenty years, the ongoing struggles for integration, and the need for financial contributions. The letter appeals for support and urges them to make a generous contribution to help achieve a genuine Brotherhood in America. 1 page.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
This document is a preliminary draft announcement from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) regarding the Freedom Ride, 1961. The Freedom Ride is a planned initiative to achieve complete integration of bus service and accommodations in the Deep South. It will involve an interracial group of highly trained and dedicated CORE members who will challenge Jim Crow segregation wherever encountered during their journey from Washington, D.C. to New Orleans. The document provides information on the purpose, itinerary, participant requirements, and contact details for those interested in joining the project. 1 page.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
The Ann Arbor Direct Action Committee and Detroit CORE are organizing national demonstrations to pressure the Kresge Company to integrate their Southern lunch counters to achieve 100% integration and write to the President of Kresge in support of complete integration, emphasizing the need for change in the Deep South and the potential influence on other chains. The item includes a list of cities with lunch counters that opened around February 1st, 1960. The Crisis in Western Tennessee is summarized, highlighting the importance of long-term solutions through Operation Freedom and the need for relief contributions to support local organizations addressing the crisis. 4 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
"Students Prefer Jail-Ins to Bail-Outs" newspaper article in the Southern Patriot about the southern student movement, highlighting the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee as leaders in the movement. 2 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
Articles in the Atlanta Inquirer about the Atlanta Student Movement, including the jail not bail demonstration and Ruby Doris Smith's arrest and jailing. 2 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
Ruby D. Smith holds signs with other college students [poor original image quality].
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
Ruby D. Smith talks with other college students [poor original image quality].
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
An excerpt from a newspaper advertisement in support of human dignity written by the Atlanta Committee for Cooperative Action. The letter commends the peaceful efforts of Atlanta University Center students in their pursuit of equal treatment as citizens and human beings. The students' activities included an appeal for human rights, requests for food service, picketing, and a march to the State Capitol. The committee endorses the students' objectives and calls upon all individuals in public office, business, education, and civic life to work towards a community that values brotherhood and Christian justice for all. 1 page.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
Three women wear signs in protest saying, "Don't Buy Segregation" and "Don't Buy Here"  during demonstration in Atlanta.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism