  • Subjects = College students
This document provides a detailed account of the events that unfolded during the Texas Southern University (TSU) incident, which occurred on May 16, focusing on the events from May 15-17. The report sheds light on the misconceptions surrounding the incident, often labeled as a "riot," although evidence of looting or organized violence is absent. Instead, it reveals a harsh display of police force directed towards the college campus, leading to numerous arrests and injuries, as well as the tragic death of a student. The report highlights the lack of proper reporting, underrepresenting the victims' perspectives, and attempts to hold the city accountable for its actions. The document includes photographs and statements from witnesses and participants, intending to provide a more accurate understanding of the situation and challenge the official narrative. 4 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
COAHR 30th Anniversary Event. The magazine narrates about various Morehouse alumnus, current student's accomplishments, social events , and news about the institution. As pertaining to the Atlanta University Center Student Movement, this passage describes the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, and particularly the role that college students played in it. The students were inspired by the example of other activists, and particularly by the sit-ins that took place at a Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960. The movement quickly spread across the South, and many college students became heavily involved, to the point of neglecting their studies. Morehouse College played a particularly important role in the movement, producing many of its leaders. Despite the danger and opposition they faced, these young people were driven by a deep commitment to justice and equality. Highlighted figures: Oprah Winfrey, Andrew Young,  Leroy Keith, and Martin Luther King Jr. 16 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
The "Voices Of The Atlanta Student Movement" was a program that collaborated with the Robert H. Brisbane Institute to help preserve the legacy of the Student Movement at the Atlanta University Center. They abided by a three-point approach: the "Archival", the "Educational, and the "Commemorative". This booklet states to an archival special event held on the campus of Spelman College. Featured figures were Ruby Doris Smith. 10 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism