Founded in 1942 by African American businessman John H. Johnson, the Johnson Publishing Company, Inc. published Ebony and Jet magazines, as well as other publications. This collection contains newspapers clippings, press releases, and more used as research for the various publications. The collection includes newspaper clippings on various prominent African American women, such Daisy Bates, Mary McLeod Bethune, Fannie Lou Hamer, Dorothy Height, Mary Church Terrell, Sojourner Truth, Diane Nash, Rosa Parks, and Pauli Murray. It also contains newspaper clippings and press releases on various African American organizations, such as the League of Women Voters, the National Council of Negro Women, and the National Women’s Committee for Civil Rights.

At the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library we are always striving to improve our digital collections. We welcome additional information about people, places, or events depicted in any of the works in this collection. To submit information, please contact us at
Apr 7, 2021

Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection

Founded in 1942 by African American businessman John H. Johnson, the Johnson Publishing Company, Inc. published Ebony and Jet magazines, as well as other publications. This collection contains newspapers clippings, press releases, and more used as research for the various publications. The collection includes newspaper clippings on various prominent African American women, such Daisy Bates, Mary McLeod Bethune, Fannie Lou Hamer, Dorothy Height, Mary Church Terrell, Sojourner Truth, Diane Nash, Rosa Parks, and Pauli Murray. It also contains newspaper clippings and press releases on various African American organizations, such as the League of Women Voters, the National Council of Negro Women, and the National Women’s Committee for Civil Rights.

At the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library we are always striving to improve our digital collections. We welcome additional information about people, places, or events depicted in any of the works in this collection. To submit information, please contact us at

  • Subjects = African Americans--Politics and government
  • Subjects = Voting
"Black Vote Brings 'Revolution' in Mississippi" report on the increase of Black voters in Mississippi and the impact it is having on the state toward civil rights.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Black Vote in Boston Rises, Slowly" article on the increase of the Black vote in Boston and the rest of the US.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Black Teens Say it Will Pay to Register" article about Black teenagers registering to vote for the first time, and seeing their participation and progress toward equality.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
A telegraph writing on Black entertainers.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Black Vote Gains Cited in South" article about the registration of new Black voters by the VEP helped with the election of Black leaders.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"What the Voting Rights Bill Has Done" infographic on the increase of non-white voters in the south.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Wallace Could Get Black Votes" article on how Black segregationists could boost Wallace to the third party 1972 presidential election.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Why We Need a Black President in 1980" article by William F. Buckley.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Chicago Negroes Seek New Life in Africa Bush" article on Ben Carter and a Black Hebrew village in Liberia, Africa
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"5 Negro Congressmen Are Cool to 'Back to Africa' Bill" article on Negro Congressmen backing government financing for Negros to resettle in Africa.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Shirley Chisholm, 1st Black Woman in US Congress" article on the new constituent in Brooklyn, New York.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"New Black Officeholders to Learn From Veterans" article about the growing amount of African Americans in political offices, and how newly elected officials will gain knowledge through a workshop with veteran officials.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Back to Africa Adventure Proves a Dud" article on a woman disappointed in her move to Africa and her return to the U. S., blaming Ben Carter and his "Back to Africa" movement.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Elections, The Real Black Power" Time Magazine article on the increasing of Blacks holding political offices and bringing a new spotlight of civil rights.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Negroes to Test Vote Strength" article on the increase on non-white southern voters and the increasing chance of Negro representation in government.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Negro Throngs Register" article on a large rise of Black voters in southern counties in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"U.S. Orders Vote Examiners Into 3 Dixie States" article on federal examiners going in to Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana to register voters.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"President Signs Voting Rights Bill" article on President Johnson passing voting rights and how vice president Hubert Humphrey pledging to enforce the new bill.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Senate Acts to Give Franchise to N.Y. Puerto Ricans" article on Puerto Ricans gaining the right to vote in New York due to the voting rights bill.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Harris Poll, Public Backs Voting Rights Bill, 3 to 2" article on Americans favoring passage of Johnson's voting rights bill before Congress. Smaller article on the Senate hoping to ban poll taxes.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection