John H.  Calhoun, Jr. was an Atlanta businessman, community leader, civil rights activist, and political organizer. These materials provide documentation on civil rights and the Atlanta business and political communities.

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Aug 18, 2022

John H. Calhoun, Jr. Papers

John H. Calhoun, Jr. was an Atlanta businessman, community leader, civil rights activist, and political organizer. These materials provide documentation on civil rights and the Atlanta business and political communities.

At the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library we are always striving to improve our digital collections. We welcome additional information about people, places, or events depicted in any of the works in this collection. To submit information, please contact us at

  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Subjects = Voting
Title Date Created Description Subject Collection
Canvass Card for Andrew Young, circa 1972 1970/1976 Andrew Young blank canvass card for recording voter statistics. African American civic leaders, African Americans--Politics and government, Voter registration, Voting John H. Calhoun, Jr. Papers
"Instructions to Block Workers", circa 1972 1970/1976 Instructions for canvassing for Andrew Young with deadlines. African American civic leaders, African Americans--Politics and government, Voter registration, Voting John H. Calhoun, Jr. Papers
Andrew Young Get Out the Vote Canvass Sheet, circa 1972 1970/1976 Instructions for canvassing for Andrew Young with notes on his stance for education, health, ecology, crime, and foreign policy. African American civic leaders, African Americans--Politics and government, Voter registration, Voting John H. Calhoun, Jr. Papers