This collection contains the open access scholarship of the staff of the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library. Open access is the ability to distribute and access scholarly research without restriction. Open access materials include the following, but not limited to, papers, presentations, and videos.
Jul 19, 2019

AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library Staff Publications

This collection contains the open access scholarship of the staff of the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library. Open access is the ability to distribute and access scholarly research without restriction. Open access materials include the following, but not limited to, papers, presentations, and videos.

This collection contains the transcriptions of audio recordings conducted by two AUC Librarians, funded by the American Library Association's Diversity Research Grant (2017-2019).
RevCon2020: A Year to Remember at RWWL was an online conference, sponsored by the AUC Woodruff Library's Digital Services Department.  The conference highlighted notable projects and professional development undertaken by the librarians and archivists at AUC Woodruff Library during the year of 2020.
AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library Staff Publications