Jun 21, 2019

Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work Conceptual Papers

  • Granting Institution = Clark Atlanta University
  • Department = School of Social Work
Problematic sexual behavior of children who are sexually abused in foster care
Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work Conceptual Papers
Identifying and understanding the underlined causes of father absenteeism within the African American community
African American gay and bisexual men an intersection of vulnerability
Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work Conceptual Papers
An investigation into the efficacy of gender-specific sexual assault education within a university setting
The impact of parental incarceration
Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work Conceptual Papers
The effects of community violence on African American youth
Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work Conceptual Papers
Internalized racism and its effects on African American women
Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work Conceptual Papers
The effects of drug and alcohol abuse of intimate partner
Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work Conceptual Papers
A conceptual study linking African American father absenteeism to the academics and behavior of school-aged African American males
The effects of mass incarceration on black males and families
Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work Conceptual Papers