Deposited here is the scholarly output of graduate students from Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University.
Jul 26, 2019

Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations

Deposited here is the scholarly output of graduate students from Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University.

  • Granting Institution = Clark Atlanta University
  • Department = School of Arts and Sciences, African-American Studies
Mentoring and educational outcomes of black graduate students, 2015
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The impact of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act on access to postsecondary education for temporary assitance to needy families recipients in Jackson, Mississippi in 2011, 2013
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The Shrine of the Black Madonna and the afrocentric personality, 2013
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Knowledge of HIV transmission and sexual behavior among Zimbabwean adolescent females in Atlanta, Georgia: the role of culture and dual socialization, 2012
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Afri-Cobra: a black revolutionary arts movement and arts for people's sake, 2012
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Separate and unequal: a comparative study on the impact of desegregation on the academic success of African-American students in Philadelphia and Dekalb county, Georgia: 1954-present., 2011
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Colonial South Carolina's influence on the American constitution, 2010
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Heaven bound, earthly good: an historical analysis of race relations in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 2010
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
A proposed model for African liberation, 2009
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
'And he shall be called woman': behind the mask of selected black male actors cross-dressing in entertainment, 2009
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Brown bodies have no glory: and exploration of black women's pornographic images from Sara Baartman to the present, 2009
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Understanding Washington, D.C. Througha Kemetic lens, 2009
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Revelation of revelations, 2009
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Sticks and stones may break my bones but rap can never hurt me: McLyte's Portrayal of African-american images of women in the hip hop culture, 2008
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
"Funk is its own reward" : an analysis of selected lyrics in popular funk music of the 1970s, 2008
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The impact of sexism on African-American women ministers in selected branches of methodism as perceived by clergywomen: 1980-2000, 2008
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Uncovering the roots of Anakah: bridging the gap between America and West Africa, 2008
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Rhythm and Blues protest songs: voices of resistance, 2007
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Women of power, sisters of faith: a case study of the women bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 2007
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations