These papers represent Bachelor of Divinity thesis papers and Senior Essays of Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) students. Earlier papers were submitted to Johnson C. Smith University Theological Seminary, a seminary that joined the ITC after it's founding in 1959.
Aug 9, 2020

Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers

These papers represent Bachelor of Divinity thesis papers and Senior Essays of Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) students. Earlier papers were submitted to Johnson C. Smith University Theological Seminary, a seminary that joined the ITC after it's founding in 1959.

  • Institution = Interdenominational Theological Center
The parable of the rich fool: history of interpretation and exegesis, 1984
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Christian education, its relevance for the black Pentecostal church, 1980
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The pastor's role in building an effective church school, 1975
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Integrated assignment, 1972
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The psychological effects of slavery on the black man prior to and following the passing of the emancipation proclamation, 1971
My theological pilgrimage, 1970
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
A sociological analysis of the Pentecostal movement in the Southeastern United States, 1970
An examination of Neo-Supernaturalism, 1970
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
My experiences as a black intern in a white inner city church Saint Louis, Missouri, 1970
Cultural conflict and the need for Black Theology, 1970
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The church and the problem of divorce in the Twentieth century, 1969
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The Christian attitude on war, 1969
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
A critical analysis of Christian Education within National Baptist  Churches, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Christian witnessing in contemporary society, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The effects of homiletics upon the preaching ministry, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Death, the "GADFLY", 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
A study of structure in the Negro Baptist Church, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Seminary students' attitudes and opinions about mental health, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Interpersonal relationship and the pastoral ministry, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
My new concept of Christian conversion, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
My new understanding of Christian Education, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Is the institutional church of Today fulfilling the mission of the church?, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The heart of the gospel: communicating the gospel of reconciliation, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The relationship of my seminary training to my parish ministry, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
What is a Relevant Church?, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The Christian calling: a personal enquiry, 1968
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
A ministry to the migrant of Genesee County of New York State, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Problems crippling the Methodist Church, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The relevancy of the church in the world, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The Christian responsibility to the Homosexual, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The contemporary significance of Job, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The challenge of the campus ministry, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The future of the Negro Church, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
A critique of the preparation and administration of the Lord's supper, as administered by the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, 1967
Credo of a Christian's view of elements of classical theology, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Barth's concept of grace in the doctrine of reconciliation criticized from a Wesleyan point of view, 1967
The Dualistic contractual relationship of a seminarian-pastor: A critical analysis, 1967
Premarital counseling as related to pastoral care, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Deuteronomic roots of the Protestant Offertory, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
My belief in prayer, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
My credo "I Believe", 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The role of Missions in our revolutionary world, 1967
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Problems which mar family life, 1966
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
Problems of the relation of Theoretical to practical considerations in Theological Education, 1966
A comparative study of the mysticism of Paul with the Mysticism of Philo, 1966
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The church's cooperative ministry to the migrant in Orleans County, 1966
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
An evaluation of the Christology of the gospel of Saint Mark, 1966
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
How to preserve the values of the central jurisdiction in the Methodist Church, 1966
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers
The eschatological element in Negro Preaching , how expressed, and its relevance today, 1966
John Wesley's doctrine of salvation and the Methodist doctrine today, 1966
Interdenominational Theological Center Bachelor Papers