Jul 22, 2019

Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations

  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Decade = 1990-1999
Pastoral Care Through a Lay Care Ministry: A Narrative Model, 1995
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Examining and exploring community and church initiatives that provide wholistic approaches for confronting substance abuse., 1995
The Plight of Single Mothers and Their Children in Kenya: The Presbyterian Church's Inadequate Response, 1995
Strategies for Change: Decision Making in an Urban African-American Congregation, 1993
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The impact of religio-cultural factors on church growth in Korea, 1992
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Leading by serving: A leadership training process, 1992
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Envisioning the Black Perspective: Formulating Unique Subject Descriptors to Index the "Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center", 1992
Renewal of worship through the discovery and recovery of the African-American liturgical tradition, 1991
A model of pastoral counseling for the black church: a counseling hermeneutic based on the concepts of liberation and reconciliation, 1991
Death and Grief: A Proposed "Cycle of Compassion", 1991
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Reconciling gender relations between Christian women and men in positions of power at Home, at Church, and at the work place, 1990