Jul 22, 2019

Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations

A study of the development and effectiveness of a pastoral counseling center in an African-American church, 1996
Equipping class leaders for effective ministry in the Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church (North Carolina), 1996
Death, dying, and grieving: Providing a ministry of caring, 1996
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
An integrated conceptual model of crises intervention for Gikuyu people utilizing traditional family social support systems, Christian resource systems and crisis theories (Kenya), 1995
Pastoral Care Through a Lay Care Ministry: A Narrative Model, 1995
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Examining and exploring community and church initiatives that provide wholistic approaches for confronting substance abuse., 1995
The Plight of Single Mothers and Their Children in Kenya: The Presbyterian Church's Inadequate Response, 1995
Why most black men don't attend church: Church attendance among Afro-American males in the South, 1994
Evangelism in the black church, reaching the unreached in East Augusta, 1993
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Strategies for Change: Decision Making in an Urban African-American Congregation, 1993
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The impact of religio-cultural factors on church growth in Korea, 1992
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Leading by serving: A leadership training process, 1992
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Leading by serving, a leadership training process, 1992
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Envisioning the Black Perspective: Formulating Unique Subject Descriptors to Index the "Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center", 1992
The impact of religio-cultural factors on church growth in Korea, 1992
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Out of context: the Western Christian in cross-cultural ministry, 1992
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Renewal of worship through the discovery and recovery of the African-American liturgical tradition, 1991
A model of pastoral counseling for the black church: a counseling hermeneutic based on the concepts of liberation and reconciliation, 1991
Death and Grief: A Proposed "Cycle of Compassion", 1991
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Reconciling gender relations between Christian women and men in positions of power at Home, at Church, and at the work place, 1990
The exploration of religious symbols for their liberating or oppressive characteristics among African-American residents of the Jonesboro North and South housing projects located in Southeast Atlanta, 1990
The African-American community and its dominant ideology the effects of social status on its view of capitalism, 1989
Interdependence as a norm for an interdisciplinary model of pastoral counseling, 1989
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The effects of shiftwork upon the marriage relationship of guards of prisoners at the United States Army Confinement Facility in Mannheim, West Germany, 1989
Equipping the laity for effective team ministry in the African-American Baptist church, 1988
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Black women and the ministry of administration, 1987
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The problem of christian education among "young adults" in rural black churches of the southern united states, 1987
Domestic violence, 1986
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A study of the christian education program of the hoosier memorial united methodist church, 1986
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A chaplaincy model  of ministry in public housing: the boatrock community of Fulton county, 1986
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A comprehensive adult Christian education program for Shiloh Baptist Church - Bennettsville, South Carolina, 1985
A study of the Revival Movement in the Presbyterian Church of East Africa Kenya and a proposed model for the Lay Training Kikuyu Pastoral Institute, 1985
An examination of the structure and problematics of liberation theism in contemporary black theology, 1985
An approach to the doctrine of God and implications for liberation, 1985
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Developmental changes in attitudes and practices concerning prayer, a model for making one's prayer life more effective, 1985
Small membership church administration key ways to effective mission and ministry, 1985
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Equipping youth for Christian service, 1984
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
, 1984
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Practical theology in the black church, 1984
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The pastor as facilitator in the process of grief therapy, 1984
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A Christian guide on premarital counseling, 1984
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Dealing with death before you die the elderly preparing for death practical arrangements for the dying and their survivors, 1984
A selective study of the pastors' and deacons' administrative roles in three Georgia Baptist churches; Shiloh, Mt. Olive and Friendship, 1983
A model for pastoral care in the Military Community Family Life Center at Fort Carson, Colorado, 1983
A theoretical analysis of a bible study group of elderly persons coping with change:  Implications contributing to a conceptual model of pastoral care in the institutional geriatric church, 1983
Designing a Christian education program for the Northeast Assembly of God Church Atlanta, Georgia, 1983
Children at worship: A reflection upon field education experience at Memorial Drive Baptist Center children's church, 1983
Toward a personal credo, 1983
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The mental health ministry of the church: a model of intervention with college students, 1983
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations