Jul 22, 2019

Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations

  • Institution = Interdenominational Theological Center
A concept of god in history, undated
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Religious education, as an aid to personality development in intermediates, 1949
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A proposed program of Christian ministry for the infirm and aged of Warren Methodist Church, 1963
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A plan for the organization and program development of the woman's society of Christian service in a local Methodist church in South Carolina, 1951
Youth work in Camphor Memorial Methodist Church, 1951
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The small church meets its needs through a program of Christian education, 1952
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Religious education at work in the local church and in the community, 1952
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A proposed program designed to help meet the religious needs of children, ages seven to twelve, through art in the church school, 1952
Religion in college counseling, 1953
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A study of church co-operation in 100 communities and in fourteen South Carolina counties, and an interview study of attitudes toward church co-operation in South Carolina, 1955
A critical survey of church buildings and equipment for Negroes in Tyler, Texas, 1956
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A study of living conditions and church life among Negroes in Laurens County, South Carolina to show the effect of the church upon living conditions, 1957
Field work and supervision, IV F 15, 1958
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A study of the characteristics of in-service ministers in the Benedict College extension classes, 1959
Report of field work and supervision 1958 - 1960, 1960
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The educational work of the Ebenezer Baptist Church School Athens, Georgia, 1961
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A study of the nature and development of youth work of the Christian Methodist Episcopal church in Georgia, 1915-1961, 1961
Christian education in rural Negro churches of Sumter County South Carolina: a survey and recommendation, 1962
The Christian education program at Whites Chapel Methodist Church 1961-1962, 1962
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A proposed plan of Christian education for the Mount Vernon Baptist Church Atlanta, Georgia, 1950
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations