Jul 22, 2019

Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations

, 1984
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
About our God's business: a strategy for implementing an entrepreneurial ministry model in an historic African American Church, 2015
Activism in the A.M.E. Zion Church from 1796 to the present, 1969
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Activities and problems encountered in two field work projects 1961-63, 1963
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Adult education in Christ Temple Church: My perspectives, 1980
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Adult education in Christ Temple Church, my perspectives, 1980
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The African-American community and its dominant ideology the effects of social status on its view of capitalism, 1989
An appraisal of the educational program of Second Bethel Baptist Church, Saint Petersburg, Florida and its future outlook in light of present day educational trends and methods, 1964
An appreciative study of a program of religious education as exposed to adolescent girls & its evaluation, undated
An approach to the doctrine of God and implications for liberation, 1985
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Back on track: the epidemic of violence among African-American youth in the Gresham Park Community, 2014
Banyambe Ba Koba, Gods of the past A study of the traditional socio-religious practices among the Bantu of the South Cameroun, 1973
Beyond the walls of the church: a strategy for implementing a community outreach ministry, 2012
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The birth of the Christian ministry, 1969
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Bishop Lucius H. Holsey and Christian education in the C.M.E. Church, 1982
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The bishops in the Christian Methodist Episcopal church:a critical analysis of their authority, power, and relevance, 1971
The black church and the end of time, 1970
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Black church: its worship in modern context, 1969
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Black power through merged black Methodist bodies, 1970
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Black women and the ministry of administration, 1987
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Bridging hospice and church: preparing church members to be hospice volunteers, 2012
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Bridging the gap between Sunday in the combat zone and Sunday at home, 2012
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A brief historical survey of the union of Evangelical United Brethren Church and the Methodist Church, 1969
A brief report and evaluation of my field education project conducted at the New Jerusalem Baptist, 1965
Building a multicultural congregation at Central park United methodist church: paradigm shift from Ethnocentrism to Ethnorelativism, 2009
The building of young adult fellowship groups in the black church, 1977
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The caregivers' city of refuge:  Pastoral psychotherapy as supervision at the Interdenominational Theological Center, 1996
Carrie steele-pitts home and the church partners in mission, 1969
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The challenge for Christian chaplains: to provide spiritual care to all, 2007
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Challenge of social change to the christian methodist episcopal church in Ghana, 1970
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The challenge of the black church A black man's ministry to an integrated church, 1969
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A chaplaincy model  of ministry in public housing: the boatrock community of Fulton county, 1986
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Children at worship: A reflection upon field education experience at Memorial Drive Baptist Center children's church, 1983
The Chistian methodist episcopal church-death of merge?, 1969
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Christian education and nation building: promoting ethnicity and identity among the Ewes in Atlanta, Georgia through the study of Ewe language and culture, 1999
Christian education and theological seminaries, a matter of life or death?, 1973
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Christian education for black liberation, 1972
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Christian education for black youth today, 1970
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Christian education for the black church as liberation, 1977
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Christian education in rural Negro churches of Sumter County South Carolina: a survey and recommendation, 1962
The Christian education program at Whites Chapel Methodist Church 1961-1962, 1962
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Christian education through camping, 1976
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
A Christian guide on premarital counseling, 1984
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
The church and alcoholism: a model for empowering Rivertown United Methodist Church to address the addiction of alcohol, 2013
The church and the addict: a model of transformation involving persons from the addictive community and the congregation of Southside CME church, Birmingham, Alabama, 2008
The church as a family social service agency, 1976
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Church education for family life, 1980
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations
Church education: the learning center approach, 1976
Interdenominational Theological Center Theses and Dissertations