This page contains the open access scholarship of the faculty of Spelman College. Open access is the ability to distribute and access scholarly research without restriction.
Jul 18, 2019

Spelman College Faculty Publications

This page contains the open access scholarship of the faculty of Spelman College. Open access is the ability to distribute and access scholarly research without restriction.

  • Department = Theater & Performance
  • Decade = 2020-2029
Title Author Description Collection
Thinking Generatively about Queer/Femme Digital Aesthetics: Field Notes from an AWP Roundtable Schaag, Katie, Spelman College Spelman College Faculty Publications
The Infinite Woman: Experimental Feminist UX and UI Design of an Infinitely Scrolling Script. Schaag, Katie, Spelman College Spelman College Faculty Publications
#BLM and Ant Racist Digital Humanities Pedagogy Schaag, Katie, Spelman College Spelman College Faculty Publications
Transdisciplinary Collaboration: An Interview with a Computer Science Junior Design Team, Part III Schaag, Katie, Spelman College Spelman College Faculty Publications
Feminist Computational Poetics and Experimental User Interface Design Schaag, Katie, Spelman College Spelman College Faculty Publications
Notes on Plastic Schaag, Katie, Spelman College Spelman College Faculty Publications
Creative Coding: An Interview with a Junior Design Computer Science Team, Part I Schaag, Katie, Spelman College Spelman College Faculty Publications