  • Subjects = African Americans--Health and hygiene
Children line up to get examined by a nurse.
James H. Costen Collection
Correspondence between G. Alx Galvin of the New York State Chapter American Academy of General Practice Board and Jet Magazine discussing enclosed article on Dr. Corinne Brown Balvin. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
Note from Mrs. John Hope. 1 page.
Letter from Director of Demonstrations to Miss Lugenia B. Hope. 1 page.
Correspondence from Pastor A. D. Williams of Ebenezer Baptist Church endorsing Mrs. John Hope. 3 pages.
Correspondence between National Child Welfare Association and Mrs. John Hope with an edit of letter. 2 pages.
The schedule for the Neighborhood Union Children's Clinic report which includes the number of cases, visitors, and physician hours. 1 page.
The schedule for the Neighborhood Union Children's Clinic report of the number of cases, visitors, and physician hours. 1 page.
A report on the diets of Negro families which includes a list meals on interview day, cost of food, and summary of data. 5 pages.
Neighborhood Union Collection
The reports on housing condition, types of insurance, amounts of debts, types of sickness, and treatment of families with a summary of the data. 22 pages.
Bulletin of Circle for Negro War Relief Incorporated detailing work for war relief, what the units are doing, officers of the circle and the organization buying an ambulance for the Government. 3 pages.
Program with order of performance detailing Red Cross, Neighborhood Union House, and Spirit of Expansion. 2 pages.
Neighborhood Union Collection
Notes from National Clean-Up Campaigns which include timeline of activities, and first clinic for Negro children in Atlanta in 1908. 3 pages.
Neighborhood Union Collection
"West Side Starts Health Campaign" article on the Neighborhood Union's extensive health program. 1 page.
Neighborhood Union Collection
"The West Side Unemployment Committee Issues Its Annual Report" compiled by Mrs. L.D. Shivery detailing the program, work with local schools, and health clinics. 3 pages.
"Relief Centered Around the Child: The West Side Unemployment Relief Committee Issues Its Annual Report" detailing the program, work with schools, and health clinics. 3 pages.
"West Side Unemployment Relief Committee of the Neighborhood Union Report of Relief Work" district report detailing clinics, meetings, and homes served. 1 page.
Handwritten draft of "The West Side Unemployment Relief Committee Issues Its Annual Report" which includes notes on detailing work with schools, families, and health clinics. 9 pages.
Quarterly Report of the Pre-School-Age Clinic of the Neighborhood which includes the summary of work, aid given, and number of families assisted. 1 page.
Mrs. Hope's handwritten report on chair of the relief committee of the Neighborhood Union including organization's questionnaire, correspondence, report of relief work, and summary of work. 18 pages.
Neighborhood Union Collection