  • Subjects = Events and programs
  • Collection = Atlanta Student Movement Collection
The event commemorates the 40th anniversary of "An Appeal for Human Rights" and the Atlanta Student Movement of 1960-2000, acknowledging their historical significance in the civil rights movement in America. The program spans three days with various activities, including an opening ceremony, workshops, a special recognition reception, and a closing plenary session. The workshops cover affirmative action, diversity, discrimination, police brutality, the criminal justice system, empowerment of African American communities, family health, and the environment. 3 pages.
Atlanta Student Movement Collection
The Atlanta University Center hosts commemorative events to mark the 40th anniversary of the Atlanta student movement, including a news conference and groundbreaking ceremony for a marker recalling the student group's "Appeal for Human Rights" against segregation. Workshops on race relations are conducted, followed by an ecumenical service at Martin Luther King Jr. Chapel. Concurrently, the Morehouse School of Medicine celebrates its 25th anniversary by opening a new wing and groundbreaking for a National Center for Primary Care, focusing on research, analysis, and training for effective primary health care. The weekend activities also include a concert, convocation, and awards banquet. 1 page.