  • Decade = 1980-1989
Interventionism in Africa: an analytic comparative study of the politics of foreign intervention in Angola and Zaire, 1986
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Spelman College Bulletin 1987-1989
Spelman College Bulletin 1989-1990
The politics of the police system in predominately black cities, 1980
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The impact of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives on the process of poltiical development in Sumter County, Alabama, 1987
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Nigeria and the Organization of African Unity (OAU), 1975-1985, 1986
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Military rule in Ghana 1972-1979: an analysis of the national redemption council's agricultural, mining, forestry, and manufacturing sectors' programs on economic development
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Black/white race relations in 20th century American drama, 1984
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The August-September 1988 issue of the national magazine of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). 196 pages.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Printed and Published Material Series
The Clark College Bulletin 1984-1986: Clark College Catalog
The Clark College Bulletin 1986-1989: Clark College Catalog