  • Subjects = Meetings
A group of men are shown sitting at a dining table during an unknown event.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) President Joseph E. Lowery is sitting next to Congressman William Gray at a 28th Annual SCLC Convention event held at Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Solomon Seay, Sr. (center) sits next to an unidentified woman and Congressman William Gray at a 28th Annual SCLC Convention event.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Journalists and photographers are gathered in a room during a press conference.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Southern Christian Leadership Conference 23rd Annual Convention Proceedings, August 1980
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Audiovisual Series
SCLC/W.O.M.E.N. Public Service Announcements, 1992
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Audiovisual Series
Reverend Tom Skinner is shown speaking during an Operation Breadbasket meeting.
Transcription of caption: April 25, 1970 -- Evangelist Rev. Tom Skinner came to SCLC's Operation Breadbasket Saturday meeting to share the Good News to the live and radio audience that Jesus was a revolutionary feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and visiting those in prison. Rev. Skinner's intense message stirred the whole audience to the challenge to join the struggle for the liberation of black and poor people. (SCLC photo by JOLP)
Reverend Ed Riddick, National Research Director of SCLC Operation Breadbasket, is shown welcoming attorney Jewel Lafontant to an Operation Breadbasket meeting.
Transcription of caption: Oct. 3, 1970 -- Rev. Ed Riddick, National Research Director of SCLC Operation Breadbasket, (standing above) welcomes Attorney Jewel Lafontant, Candidate for Judge of the Illinois Appellate Court, to the weekly SCLC Operation Breadbasket meeting. Joining Mrs. Lafontant at the Breadbasket are Mr. Lewis and Mr. Coles, Black Union Leaders of Local 1109, Retail, Wholesale Clerks. (SCLC Photo)
Jesse Jackson, actor William Marshall, and Black Labor leaders are shown standing and clapping hands behind a podium at an Operation Breadbasket meeting.
Transcription of caption: August 29, 1970 -- Black Labor Leaders unite at SCLC Operation Breadbasket meeting with actor, William Marshall. Shown above (l to r) are Bill Gilkey, candidate for President of United DUOC Local 777, Chicago cab drivers; Rev. Jesse Jackson; Charles Hayes, Chairman of SCLC Operation Breadbasket Black Labor Leaders; Alfred Holloway, candidate for Trustee for United DUOC Local 777; Rev. Mrs. Willie Barrow, SCLC Operation Breadbasket; and William Marshall. (SCLC Photo by PRH)
Reverend C. Hiram Melson, SCLC Operation Breadbasket's Program Organizer, is shown speaking at an Operation Breadbasket meeting.
Transcription of caption: Oct. 3, 1970 -- Rev. C. Hiram Melson, newly appointed Program Organizer and Administrative Assistant to the National Director by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, takes his position of leadership as the director of the general program of the weekly Breadbasket meeting held at the Capitol Theatre, 7941 S. Halsted, on Saturday mornings.
Assistant Secretary of Labor Arthur Fletcher is shown speaking at an Operation Breadbasket meeting.
Transcription of caption: Sec. Fletcher Comes To Breadbasket -- Asst. Sec. of Labor Arthur Fletcher is shown addressing this past Saturday's SCLC-Operation Breadbasket meeting. Fletcher, who was the Labor department's chief investigator in this past Fall's Chicago hearings into the construction industry explained how Black people must demand their share of the jobs that will develop during the 70's. (SCLC Photo by FCFJR)
Senator Charles Percy is shown speaking at an Operation Breadbasket meeting. Seated behind him are Southern Christian Leadership Conference members and others.
Transcription of caption: March 14, 1970 -- Sen. Charles Percy reports to the Breadbasket Saturday meeting that he has joined Dr. Andrew Thomas and the Health Division of SCLC's Operation Breadbasket in the health struggle to provide adequate medical care at Cook County Hospital and through neighborhood health clinics. Joining Sen. Percy at the meeting are (l. to r. seated) Gus Savage, 3rd Congressional District Candidate; Rosa Parks who sparked the 1955 Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott; Rev. D.E. King, Breadbasket Executive Committee and pastor of Monumental Baptist Church; Congressman John Conyers of Detroit; Rev. Jesse L. Jackson; Rev. Calvin S. Morris, Associate Director; and Odetta who brought the whole audience to their feet with her singing.
Dempsey Travis, President of the Sivart Mortgage Company, is shown speaking at an Operation Breadbasket meeting.
Transcription of caption: August 22, 1970 -- Dempsey Travis, President of the Sivart Mortgage Company, tells the live and radio audiences of the SCLC Operation Breadbasket Saturday meeting of the support given by three black financial institutions: Seaway National Bank, Chicago Metropolitan Mutual Assurance Company, and Supreme Life Insurance Company; to aid the Contract Buyers League members get mortgage money for their homes. Travis has spearheaded the drive to secure such mortgage funds in Chicago, New York, and Washington at the request of Rev. Jesse Jackson and CBL members.