  • Institution = Morehouse College
  • Decade = 2020-2029
Title Date Created Creator Description Subject Collection
Oba Koso Excerpt: Shango and Chorus 2023-11-20 Ladipo, Duro, Duro-Ladipo, Oladepo, Aina, David, Carter-Enyi, Aaron Yoroba text with English translation of the chorus of Chiefs addressing Shango and subsequent dialogue from Duro Ladipo's folk opera Oba Ko So (1962) as performed for educational television in New York in 1969. Yoruba studies, Performance studies, African literature, African music
Interview with Oladepo Duro-Ladipo 2022-07-15 Duro-Ladipo, Oladepo, Oladipo, Olaolu Oladepo Duro-Ladipo (Duro Ladipo's eldest son) has carried on the family tradition of theatrical performance. He acted in his father's troupe and toured Europe before his father died in 1978. At the time, Oladepo was 11 years old. This is a nespaper clipping of a 2022 interview supplied by Oladepo Duro-Ladipo. Yoruba studies, Performance studies, African literature, African music
Holy Rosary College Enugu Choir performs "Ngengele" (Igbo Story Song) 2022-01-06 Carter-Enyi, Aaron; Ezeugo, Joel Igbo (African people), Arts, Igbo, Musical Instrument ADEPt: Igbo Collection