  • Collection = Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
"Students' Grievances and Demands: A Call for Quality Education at William Bryant High School" is a compelling document expressing the concerns of students regarding numerous health hazards and inadequacies within the school. The students highlight issues such as inadequate heating, broken windows, and a lack of essential resources like textbooks, teachers, and proper facilities. They call upon the County, State, and community to take action and support their fight for an education that ensures a fair chance for every student, with proper access to quality education and a safe learning environment. The document emphasizes the ongoing struggle of the students and seeks community involvement to achieve positive change. 2 pages.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism
Students Assemble on AU campus for 2nd Mass Sit-in gather on a lawn.
Mary Ann Smith Wilson, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism