  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Collection = Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
  • Subjects = African American clergy
"Integration Leader Beaten in Good Samaritan Role" article on Rev. Bernard Lafayette of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"N.A.A.C.P. Officer Gives Up to Police" article on warrants for Rev. J. C. Crenchaw and Mrs. L. C. Bates. 2 pages.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
Press Release "Telephone Conversation with the Rev. R. D. Abernathy, Relative to the Honor Meeting Given Mrs. Rosa Parks by the MIA." with handwritten notes for JET. 2 pages.
"Hate, Hunger Targets of Mrs. Hamer" article on Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer speaking at Mt. Zion Baptist Church on race relations. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
News Release from Morehouse College on the Commencement Convocation which awarded Honorary degrees to Rev. William Holmes Border, Sr., Mr. Maxwell Hahn, Mr. Humphrey, Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr. and a special award to Fannie Lou Hamer. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection