  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Series = Series: Photographs; Subseries: SCLC
  • Subjects = Poverty
Two young boys wearing hats are shown lying in a tent with "SCLC" stenciled on it in Resurrection City, a temporary encampment in Washington, D.C. that was part of the Poor People's Campaign.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
A crowd of demonstrators are shown rallying outside for the "Poor People's Message" march in Atlanta, Georgia. Written on Verso: "Poor People's Message" marchers first assembled for rally at Atlanta's Central City Park.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
A man is shown looking out of a bus window at an unidentified woman. A "Poor People's Campaign" button is just visible pinned to the man's shirt.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Ralph D. Abernathy is shown speaking at a Poor People's Campaign event in Memphis, Tennessee. To Abernathy's right on the stage are Senator Ted Kennedy, Evelyn G. Lowery, and Juanita Abernathy. A cut-out photo of Joseph E. Lowery from the 1980s is pasted onto the photo next to Abernathy.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
U.S. Congresswoman Pat Schroeder is shown addressing a rally crowd at the U.S. Capitol building. Written on verso: U.S. Congresswoman Pat Schroeder, one of the supporters of the Constructive Alternative Budget that was proposed by the Congressional Black Caucus, addresses rally at the Capitol building. She says Congress people who voted for the Reagan budget "think they will get asbestos underwear and not feel the heat."
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Willie Bolden is shown riding a horse as part of the Poor People's Campaign procession.  Written on verso: Willie Bolden Riding a Horse
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Demonstrators with signs and banners are shown gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest against budget cuts in social programs serving the poor. Written on verso:  1981 SCLC History - People from all across the nation, representing diverse groups concerned about the common issue of crippling budget cuts in social programs serving the poor, converge on the nation's capitol to bear witness against the cuts and urge their respective congressional representatives to rethink and revote on the cuts.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Ralph D. Abernathy (behind podium), Senator Ted Kennedy, Evelyn G. Lowery, Juanita Abernathy, and others are shown clapping on a stage during a Poor People's Campaign event in Memphis, Tennessee.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Juanita Abernathy, Ralph D. Abernathy, and Evelyn G. Lowery are shown marching with others on a street in Memphis, Tennessee as part of the Poor People's Campaign.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Ralph D. Abernathy is shown (at center of photo, mostly hidden by a police officer) speaking with police and press amongst a crowd of demonstrators during a Poor People's Campaign demonstration. Written on verso: By Bill Mahoney P.R. Dept. SCLC
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Ralph D. Abernathy is shown speaking at a podium in front of others during a Poor People's Campaign event in Memphis, Tennessee. Senator Ted Kennedy is seated at the far right in the photo.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Juanita Abernathy, Ralph D. Abernathy, and Evelyn G. Lowery are shown marching arm in arm down the street with others during a Poor People's Campaign event in Memphis, Tennessee.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
A group of children are shown holding a "Welcome to East Harlem" sign with adults and police standing behind them during a Poor People's Campaign demonstration.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
A group of men are shown marching with "Poor People's Campaign" signs in front of the Smithsonian Institution Building known as the "Castle".
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Two young girls lie on cots in a wooden tent encampment in Resurrection City while a woman in the background appears to be cleaning something with a cloth.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
A woman is shown cooking on a metal garbage can with pots and pans while looking at children and a woman in a tent set up in Resurrection City.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
An unidentified older man is shown sitting on a cot outside of a tent in Resurrection City.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
A young boy is shown sitting on a bicycle in the mud in the temporary encampment known as Resurrection City.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
A crowd of men, women, and children are shown gathered with belongings inside of a stadium.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series
Southern Christian Leadership President Joseph E. Lowery (center) is shown with other marchers, some of whom hold a banner that states "SCLC...poor people's message to President Jimmy Carter". The march took place in Atlanta, Georgia.
The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, Photograph Series